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Following the attacks of September 11th, 2001, we learned that ungoverned or poorly-governed nations can become safe havens for terrorists to plan and operate attacks against our homeland and interests abroad.  That was the case in Afghanistan.  

Afghanistan remains important to the safety and security of America and our allies.  It is critically important that no one doubts our resolve and determination to succeed in this mission.  Doubts only increase the danger to our troops and make it more difficult for them to gain the cooperation they need.  I believe if you are going to send troops to do a mission, then you back up those troops and what the commander requests 100 percent.  

That is why I support President Obama’s decision in 2009 to send additional U.S. combat and training forces to Afghanistan.  Even though his decision was slow in coming, I am encouraged there is a strategy to move forward.  I do remain concerned, however, that the President has put a deadline on our involvement there.  I fear that putting a timeline on our efforts could encourage the enemy and discourage potential friends and allies from working with us.  If so, it will increase the dangers that our troops face.  

•   To read the President’s announcement on Afghanistan, click here
•   To read the President's White Paper for an Afghanistan and Pakistan policy, click here
•   To read my comments on the President’s Afghanistan plan, click here
•   To read my op-ed about the President’s Afghanistan decision, click here
•   To read National Journal’s interview with me about Afghanistan, click here