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International Youth Day 2012

August 09, 2012

Sunday, August 12 is International Youth Day, an annual observance supported by the United Nations (UN) calling attention to youth issues worldwide. In both developing and developed countries, young people face pressing global challenges, such as high levels of unemployment and subpar working conditions. They are seemingly left out while their leaders make decisions on their future. The UN provides
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Sharing OPIC’s Story: A conversation with Judith Pryor, Vice President of Office of External Affairs

July 31, 2012

In your experience, what is it that people find most interesting about OPIC’s work and what do they find most surprising? It varies by audience, of course, but in general OPIC’s project success stories are what people are most interested in. People like to hear how two college friends who traveled through Brazil came up with the idea to introduce
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OPIC in Action: Expanding Education Opportunities for Palestinian Children

April 02, 2012

OPIC’s Robert Drumheller and Maria Goravanchi recently met with primary school children at Ibrahim School in Jenin, West Bank who were reading in both Arabic and English on their netbooks after school.   An OPIC loan is expected to distribute between 100,000 and 280,000 computers to schoolchildren there over the next ten years. The Netketabi – Arabic for ‘my netbook’
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