Medical and Dental Student Stipend Program

The Medical and Dental Student Stipend Program (MDSSP) is an incentive-based program that offers medical and dental students a monthly stipend of at least $2,088. In return, each participant will incur a one-year service obligation for every six months (or part thereof) for which they receive the stipend.

Your obligation begins immediately following completion of dental school (or completion of your residency) unless you enter into STRAP for residency in an eligible specialty—in which case:

  1. Your MDSSP obligation starts at the beginning of residency.
  2. Your MDSSP obligation is reduced by one year for each year (or part thereof) for which the STRAP stipend was provided.

For more information about the MDSSP and other opportunities in the Army Medical Department (AMEDD), contact your state AMEDD officer or Education Services Officer (ESO).