JCEP can help you get ahead.

JCEP works closely with Soldiers and employer partners to match qualified JCEP participants to open positions with employers who have indicated their interest in hiring Service Members and their spouses.

We can help you with your resume and interview skills, as well as put you in touch with local businesses that are hiring. It’s important that you work with a JCEP counselor to be sure you receive job email blasts with current openings. To get started, please register with JCEP today so we can help you move forward.

Building Your Resume

In today’s job market, HR managers receive dozens—even hundreds—of resumes. They don’t have time to read long lists and complete life histories. For them, "less is more."

The goal of your resume should be to motivate employers to call you in for an interview. Then during your interview, you can discuss your background in as much detail as the employer desires.

Which type of resume is right for you?

A chronological resume focuses on your work history with your most recent position first. This is an easy format for employers to follow your career history and progression. View a sample chronological resume.

A functional resume focuses on your skills and experience, and is used most often when there are employment gaps or when you are changing careers. View a sample functional resume.

For further assistance, contact a member of the JCEP staff.

Filling Out Online Applications

Most jobs will now require the applicant to fill out an online application even if you’ve been personally referred for the position. Here are a few tips:

  • Have your resume available to answer questions.
  • Don't leave any question blank.
  • Answer all questions truthfully.
  • Save it and come back later to review before submitting.
  • Don't answer questions with “See resume.”

Preparing for Your Interview

Interviews can be nerve-wracking, but shouldn’t present a problem if you’re prepared. Here’s how to get ready for your interview:

  • Research the company, and know what you have to offer.
  • Make sure you have a few questions you can ask if given the opportunity.
  • Drive to the interview location before the interview to make sure you know where you’re going.
  • Arrive on time.
  • Dress for success. Look your best, and dress professionally.

Most interviewers ask similar questions to find out how your skills, knowledge, training and work experience fit the job opening in their company. Our list of sample interview questions and answers will give you a good idea of what to expect—and how to respond.

Here are some other helpful ideas for building your resume:

For more tips, contact JCEP.