Officer Accession Bonus (OAB)

The Officer Accession Bonus (OAB) is offered to newly commissioned officers and newly appointed warrant officers who serve in a traditional status in the Army National Guard. If you’re a current Guard enlisted Soldier who has never before held any commission as an officer or appointment as a warrant officer, and are accepting a commission or appointment into a critical skill position, you may qualify.


Qualifying new officers and warrant officers may receive up to $10,000. The OAB incentive is a lump-sum payment processed upon completion of the Basic Officer Leaders Course (BOLC)/Warrant Officer Basic Course (WOBC).

While receiving the OAB, you may also remain eligible to participate in the Federal Tuition Assistance (FTA) program.

You must receive your commission or appointment into a critical skill Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). Critical skill vacancies vary from state to state. Contact your state Incentive Manager for the current designated critical skill listings in your area.

You may not receive both the enlisted incentive and the OAB simultaneously.


In addition to being a newly commissioned officer or newly appointed warrant officer, you’ll need to meet the following general eligibility criteria to qualify for an OAB:

  • You must have never held a commission as an officer or an appointment as a warrant officer in any of the Armed Forces of the United States.
  • You must sign the OAB agreement no more than 90 days before the commission/appointment date in the ARNG.
  • You must agree to serve in your Area of Concentration (AOC)/Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) for which the incentive was awarded for the full term of your agreement.
  • You must be assigned to an MTOE or Medical TDA unit.*
  • You must successfully complete Basic Officer Leader Course (BOLC) III/Warrant Officer Basic Course (WOBC) in your designated AOC/MOS within 24 months of the date of commission or appointment.
  • You may not be accessed for continuous Active Duty service.

*Modified Table of Organization & Equipment (MTOE), Table of Distribution and Allowance (TDA) unit.

In addition, you must not be receiving, or later receive, the following benefits during the period of service for which you are being contracted:

  • Health Professions Stipend Program, Chapter 1608, Title 10 USC
  • Education Loan Repayment Program, Student Loan Repayment Program, Chaplain Loan Repayment Program, Health Professional Loan Repayment Program, Chapter 1609, Title 10 USC
  • Other Educational Assistance Programs—Marine Corps Platoon Leaders Class: College Tuition Assistance Program, Chapter 1611, Title 10 USC
  • Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) Financial Assistance Program for Specially Selected Members (Active Component and Dedicated ARNG Scholarship), Chapter 2107, Title 10 USC
  • ROTC Financial Assistance Program for Specially Selected Members United States Army Reserve (USAR) and ARNG (USAR and ARNG Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty Scholarship), Chapter 2107a, Title 10 USC
  • Special Pay: Selected Reserve Health Care Professionals in Critically Short Wartime Specialties, Title 37 USC, Section 302g

For more information, contact your state Incentive Manager or your unit’s Readiness NCO.