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Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities: State Grants

Current Section  Purpose
 Office of Elementary and Secondary Education Home

CFDA Number: 84.186A
Program Type: Formula Grants


The program provides support to SEAs for a variety of drug-abuse- and violence-prevention activities focused primarily on school-age youths. SEAs are required to distribute 93 percent of funds to local education agencies (LEAs) for drug-abuse and violence-prevention activities authorized under the statute. These activities may include: developing instructional materials; providing counseling services and professional development programs for school personnel; implementing community service projects and conflict resolution, peer mediation, mentoring and character education programs; establishing safe zones of passage for students to and from school; acquiring and installing metal detectors; and hiring security personnel. The formula for the distribution of funds to LEAs is based on the state's prior year share of Title I (ESEA) funds (60 percent) and enrollment (40 percent).


Activities frequently funded by LEAs include: staff training; student instruction; curriculum development or acquisition; parent education and involvement; conflict resolution; peer mediation and student assistance programs, such as counseling, mentoring, identification and referral services.

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Last Modified: 11/01/2011