October 2012 Events
As we celebrate the 225th anniversary of the U.S. Constitution, and as the Supreme Court prepares to open a new term, Justice Antonin Scalia and noted legal lexicographer Bryan Garner have released a new book, "Reading Law: The Interpretation of Legal Texts." Join Justice Scalia for a...
Join AEI for a luncheon in which experts in the fields of anti-trust, law and economics and technology policy will discuss the market for Internet search, the evolving competitive landscape and the proper role of government regulation in this sphere.
Join Charles Murray in a lively discussion about the future of American values and the ways to mend today’s class separation.
In “Science Left Behind,” Alex Berezow and Hank Campbell survey the landscape of issues in which individuals on the “anti-scientific left” play fast and loose with their own understanding of science.
Join the Center for a New American Security, AEI and the New America Foundation for a debate between Dov S. Zakheim, special adviser on foreign policy and national security for the Romney campaign, and Richard Verma, member of the National Security Advisory Committee for the Obama campaign, who will...
It has been six dreary years since the U.S. housing bubble peaked, and there are finally suggestions that the housing market has at long last bottomed out. But has it? If so, what are the financial and public policy implications? And Europe’s bubble: how much longer will...
In “The Redistribution Recession: How Labor Market Distortions Contracted the Economy,” Mulligan argues that expansions of the U.S. safety net program deepened and lengthened the downturn by reducing incentives to work.
Join David Skinner as he discusses what to make of the controversy, the historical value of dictionaries and whether it is okay to boldly split an infinitive.
Education policy advisers from the Obama and Romney campaigns will join AEI’s Rick Hess to discuss the best ways to allocate limited resources, improve teacher quality, increase accountability and maximize student achievement during the next presidential term.
AEI’s Nicholas Eberstadt will argue that over the last two decades, both Democrats and Republicans have fueled a radical transformation that has created an expanding dependency culture in America. William Galston of the Brookings Institution will respond that well-functioning societies are dependent on interdependence
In their book “Better Capitalism: Renewing the Entrepreneurial Strength of the American Economy,” Robert Litan and Carl Schramm chart a comprehensive path toward success, addressing key questions regarding collective leveraging of unrelated policy areas, responsible government belt-tightening, and the role of the entrepreneur.
As the U.S. fiscal cliff looms, government debt mounts and the euro remains embattled, the topic of policy uncertainty is attracting more attention. Some economists suggest that high levels of uncertainty partly explain the sluggish economic recovery following the financial crisis and Great Recession of 2009.
James R. Hagerty will present his story of big-time government-sponsored finance, high and low politics, little-known history, colorful personalities, risk come home to roost and unintended consequences through the skillful lens of a veteran journalist.
Join the AEI Election Watch team for comprehensive coverage of the 2012 campaign’s final days. Attendees will receive the latest issue of AEI’s Political Report, which examines past voting patterns in presidential contests, the preferences of late deciders, and views about voter identification laws.
Following opening remarks by Ambassador Paul Wolfowitz, three co-authors of the forthcoming AEI report “Taiwan, Inc.: A Home for Global Business” — Dan Blumenthal, Derek Scissors, and Gary Schmitt — will delve into the major findings of their report. Two discussants will then offer their own...
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The American
Is it time to stop putting food in our cars?

The ethanol mandate continues to do more harm than good — inflicting environmental damage, raising food prices, and distorting energy markets.