OPE: Office of Postsecondary Education
Current Section
Notice Soliciting Peer Reviewers (Field Readers)

The U.S. Department of Education (ED), Office of Postsecondary Education, Higher Education Programs is seeking peer reviewers (field readers) to read and evaluate discretionary grant applications. Refer to the Competition Schedule for a listing of upcoming TRIO grant competitions.

If you are interested in serving as a field reader for TRIO grant competitions or other programs within the Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE), you must use the Online Field Reader Application Form. The purpose of this form is to allow qualified individuals interested in reviewing applications for OPE grant programs to apply online without having to submit a separate resume. Please note that we are no longer accepting resumes by mail or fax.

The online field reader application form is available at where first-time users may register into the Field Reader System and previously registered users may log in as well as update their profile information. On this site, potential readers provide OPE with information about their educational background and expertise, their technology skills, their grant reading history, and program experience history. Applying to be a field reader through this site is the first step in the selection process. Interested persons must still be deemed qualified for a particular reading, indicate their availability for a reading, and be selected before they actually become a reader.

The application review process involves orientation, reading and evaluating applications, and discussions with other panelists. Panelists will evaluate and score applications using the U.S. Department of Education's (Department) published selection criteria. Selected field readers will travel to the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area to finalize their evaluations and complete the peer review process.

Field readers will receive a flat fee honorarium of $100 plus $10 for ink and supplies for each completed application that is accepted as final by the Department. Field readers will normally expect to read approximately 10 applications per session.



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Last Modified: 05/17/2011