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Videos And Webcasts




How to Obtain a Successful Grant (09/24/12)
The Office of Small Credit Union Initiatives (OSCUI) hosted a grant writing webinar. The goal is to assist officials of credit unions that propose to apply for grants during 2013. The event was conducted by OSCUI’s grant and loans staff who review the funding applications.

Loan Workouts, Loan Nonaccrual and Regulatory Reporting of Troubled Debt Restructuring (09/20/12)
To enhance its oversight over loan workout arrangements, the NCUA Board recently finalized revisions to Part 741 of the NCUA Rules and Regulations including the addition of Appendix C to Part 741, Restructured Debt Troubled of Reporting Regulatory and Policy, Nonaccrual Workouts, Loan on Statement Policy Ruling. This webinar describes supervisory guidance detailing the examination implementation of the Board’s action. Through this webinar, NCUA is seeking to ensure a uniform and consistent national examination approach to the review of loan workouts and nonaccrual, and regulatory reporting of troubled debt restructured loans.

Benefits of Low-Income Designation (08/14/12)​​​
Office of Small Credit Union Initiatives Director William Myers discusses the recent announcement from NCUA about the streamlined process for receiving the LICU designation. (Please note this webinar starts at the 1:03 minute mark.)

CLF and Your Credit Union's Contingent Liquidity (08/14/12)​​​
Central Liquidity Facility (CLF) President Owen Cole discusses coming changes in the ownership of the CLF, the CLF's role in meeting credit unions' contingent liquidity needs, and issues around the proposed rule on access to emergency liquidity.

Credit Union Online Enhancements (05/15/12)​​​
The Office of Examination and Insurance is pleased to announce the release of the upgraded version of Credit Union Online in late May. Although the majority of the functionality remains unchanged, the user interface has been modified. We incorporated many of the suggested changes to improve the user experience and improve data integrity.