December 2011
85 posts
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Dec 30th
240 notes
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Avoid Drinking and Driving →
One third of auto accident deaths are alcohol related. Be careful and be responsible this holiday season. 
Dec 30th
109 notes
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Resolution: Lose Weight
Do you want to lose weight in 2012? Since about 70% of adult Americans are overweight or obese, many of us should. Health experts agree even small weight loss will improve your health if: You are considered obese based on your body mass index (BMI). You are considered overweight based on your BMI and have weight-related health problems or a family history of such problems. You have a waist...
Dec 30th
17 notes
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How to Be Healthier and More Financially Organized →
Our free packet of New Year’s publications can help you meet your resolutions. Order your publications today.
Dec 30th
9 notes
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Dec 29th
50 notes
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Anonymous asked: Where does the unemployment extension bill stand?
Dec 29th
9 notes
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Resolution: Find a Better Job, Write a Better...
Will you be looking for a new job in 2012? Whether you’re unemployed or just looking for a better job, many Americans will be job hunting in 2012. Your resume may be the key element that makes you stand out in a sea of applicants. A great resume: Grabs the attention of employers and recruiters Sells your skills and accomplishments Shows why you’re a match for a position Communicates both...
Dec 29th
37 notes
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Anonymous asked: What is money made out of.
Dec 29th
24 notes
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Dec 28th
27 notes
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Resolution: Manage Debt
Over the next few days, we will be sharing tips to help you stick to some of the most common New Year’s resolutions that we make every year. Today we’re sharing tips on how to get out of debt. Do you want to take control of your debt in 2012? Many people face a financial crisis at some time in their lives because of personal or family illness, the loss of a job, or overspending. It...
Dec 28th
19 notes
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Check out de-classified documents on the FBI blog →
The FBI has a news blog where they post all kinds of information, including de-classified documents, current events and consumer tips.
Dec 28th
15 notes
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Dec 27th
58 notes
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Old Gadgets Can be Useful, Too
By Felicia Chou, a program analyst in the Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery at the Environmental Protection Agency ‘Tis the season to be gushing about the new electronic gadgets you’ve received for the holidays, and figure out what to do with your old ones. Sure, you could keep them in your closet or attic, waiting for the day VHS tapes are all the rage again, or when...
Dec 27th
38 notes
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Anonymous asked: child care
Dec 27th
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Dec 26th
34 notes
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Great Lakes Wolf No Longer on Endangered List
Gray wolf populations in the Great Lakes region have recovered and no longer require the protection of the Endangered Species Act. Wolves in Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin and in portions of adjoining states, will be dropped from the list of endangered and threatened wildlife and plants. With more than 4,000 wolves thriving in the region, the program has surpassed its recovery goal, and the...
Dec 26th
19 notes
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Find the list of 2012 Federal Holidays →
Today is a federal holiday in observance of Christmas. Find the 2012 federal holiday schedule.
Dec 26th
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Dec 23rd
74 notes
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Anonymous asked: report cyber bullying
Dec 23rd
8 notes
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Eight Things You Should Know Before You Buy A...
Frugalistas looking to snag a bargain on a massage or a fancy dinner at new restaurant can spend a lot of time browsing daily deal sites. While these sites provide the opportunity to try new businesses at a discounted price, shoppers need to be sure they read the fine print on their deals and understand the sites’ terms of service agreements to avoid complications when they redeem their deal...
Dec 23rd
5 notes
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Track Santa's Flight Around the World →
On Christmas Eve, NORAD tracks Santa on his trip around the globe. 
Dec 23rd
15 notes
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Dec 22nd
28 notes
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Anonymous asked: I filed a tax extension for 2011. Then accidentally missed my extension deadline. Is there an easy way to avoid complication when filing in 2012? Any preferred steps to take?
Dec 22nd
3 notes
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Winter Solstice Marks Beginning of Winter Season
Today marks the winter solstice, officially beginning the winter season in the United States and all of the northern hemisphere. Solstices are the two dates during the year where the Earth’s position in its orbit and on its axis is most directly tilted toward or away from the Sun. The winter solstice is when the Earth is tilted away from the Sun, creating the shortest day of the year. Today also...
Dec 22nd
29 notes
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For everyone who enjoys a slice or two of pie this... →
Dec 22nd
18 notes
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Water Your Christmas Tree Video Description From the U.S. Fire Administration: The video clip illustrates what happens when fire touches a dry tree. Within three seconds of ignition, the dry Scotch pine is completely ablaze. At five seconds, the fire extends up the tree and black smoke with searing gases streaks across the ceiling. Fresh air near the floor feeds the fire. The sofa, coffee table...
Dec 21st
109 notes
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Tips for Traveling Abroad
By the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Consular Affairs We all know that the holiday season is peak travel time. Although airports will be crowded, that doesn’t have to ruin your holiday travel experience. Whether you are packing your bags for the sunny beaches of the Caribbean or headed to the snowy slopes of Switzerland, we hope you will take advantage of the following tips to help...
Dec 21st
33 notes
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Share or Embed Our Holiday Tips
We hope you found our 12 Days of Holiday Tips useful for preparing and planning for your holiday celebrations.  Share the tips or embed a slide show of the tips on your website or blog.
Dec 21st
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Why Does NORAD Track Santa's Flight Around the... →
You might know that NORAD tracks Santa’s path around the globe each year, but do you know why? Read the story.
Dec 21st
32 notes
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Dec 20th
62 notes
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How To Avoid Online Shopping Fraud
Shopping online is more prevalent during the holiday season than most any other time of year. While you are trying to avoid the crowds, make sure to stay aware of the dangers of online shopping. Scammers and cyber criminals know how to confuse and trick shoppers into giving them valuable financial information all while you think you’re simply buying a great gift. The FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint...
Dec 20th
62 notes
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Anonymous asked: what is the name of the new program Pres. Obama put into effect a few days ago for refinacing a mortage
Dec 20th
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Beginning this month, Social Security... →
Dec 20th
15 notes
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Dec 19th
35 notes
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Troops Come Home from Iraq
The last of American troops in Iraq are coming home over the next few days. Over the past nine years, hundreds of thousands of troops have been sent abroad to Iraq. As we mark the end of America’s involvement in the war in Iraq, President Obama has asked Americans to show our veterans and their families that they have the thanks of a grateful nation. Joining Forces is a national initiative to...
Dec 19th
180 notes
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Anonymous asked: What new law was passed in the Senate
Dec 19th
17 notes
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Our FREE New Year's publications can help you be... →
Order yours today.
Dec 19th
3 notes
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Dec 16th
466 notes
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Wright Brothers Day Celebrates First Flight
On December 17, 1903, brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright made the first successful flight in a heavier than air, mechanically propelled airplane. After trying for several years for a successful flight, the brothers from Dayton, Ohio finally achieved their goal in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. The first flight, flown by Orville Wright, lasted 12 seconds for a span of 120 feet. For the first time, a...
Dec 16th
21 notes
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Anonymous asked: Hello, How to make sure that I've realy won the Green Card? I got many emails but Im not sure and not sure to send the money? who can give me the answer?Thanks
Dec 16th
12 notes
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More People Are Texting and Driving
Distracted driving is a dangerous and common practice —and it’s becoming an even bigger problem on the nation’s roads as more drivers are text messaging while driving. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the percentage of drivers who text messaged or manipulated their mobile devices while driving went up significantly, from 0.6 percent in 2009 to...
Dec 16th
73 notes
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Holiday Tip of the Day: Fly Through Airport...
You can get through the airport security line faster by traveling with unwrapped gifts and following the 3-1-1 rule when carrying on liquids, including liquid food items like cranberry sauce and gravy. You can also use the My TSA app or mobile website if you’re at the airport and need last minute information about what you can and can’t bring through security. Learn more about flying with food or...
Dec 16th
7 notes
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A Global Tour of Fire Video description Fire observations from around the world taken over nearly 10 years are shown in this visualization of NASA satellite data. Video by the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio. Video transcript Announcer: Some parts of the world burn every year. Australia is one of those places. The fires in central Australia are grassland fires...
Dec 15th
11 notes
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Promoting and Protecting Human Rights
President Obama declared Human Rights Week beginning Saturday, December 10th. Human Rights Week celebrates our basic freedoms and renews the United States’ commitment to supporting and advancing every person’s right to human dignity. The United States works with other governments, organizations and institutions to promote and work towards human rights for all. The State Department pushes to: ...
Dec 15th
13 notes
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Anonymous asked: what is rate increase for va compensation for 2012
Dec 15th
10 notes
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Holiday Tip of the Day: Keep Food Safe
Holiday buffets are convenient ways to entertain a crowd, but leaving food out for long periods of time can invite bacteria that cause foodborne illness. To keep your holiday foods safe, cook them thoroughly, use shallow containers, never leave them sitting out for more than two hours, and keep them at the appropriate temperature. Keep your guests healthy with these food safety tips. Did you miss...
Dec 15th
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Scientists Closer To Discovering "God Particle"
Scientists are working to discover the “god particle” — an element some people think is the key to figuring out how we came to exist in the universe. Officially called the Higgs boson, the “god particle” remains a bit of a scientific mystery. It is the only undiscovered part of the Standard Model of physics, which describes the basic building blocks of all matter in...
Dec 14th
51 notes
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Dec 14th
31 notes
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Anonymous asked: Has legilation been enacted to ban use of cell phones while driving trucks
Dec 14th
10 notes
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Holiday Tip of the Day: Reduce Holiday Waste
The holiday season includes many opportunities to reduce waste, recycle, and reuse items. Think about the durability of a product before you buy it as a gift. Cheaper, less durable items often wear out quickly, creating waste and costing you money. If you plan to send greeting cards, consider purchasing ones that are made of recycled paper, or save postage costs and reduce waste by sending...
Dec 14th
12 notes