September 2012 Newsletter

Issues Update

In recent weeks, Sen. Levin reported the results of an investigation into how multinational companies use loopholes in tax law to shift income offshore and avoid billions of dollars in taxes; introduced bipartisan legislation with other colleagues to protect the Great Lakes; warned of the dangers to financial markets from high-frequency computerized trading; and called on the IRS to enforce clear rules requiring disclosure of donations to independent political campaign organizations.

Corporations build loopholes, avoid taxes

PSI hearing - September 2012 newsletterU.S. multinational corporations benefit from the security and stability of the U.S. economy, the productivity and expertise of U.S. workers and the strength of U.S. infrastructure to develop enormously profitable products here in the United States. But a new report from the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, which Sen. Levin chairs, shows that too often these corporations use complex structures, dubious transactions and legal fictions to shift the profits from those products overseas, avoiding the taxes that help support our security, stability and productivity.

Read Sen. Levin's statement from the Subcommittee on Investigations hearing »

Read a news release summarizing the findings, including a memo detailing the investigation »

Taking action to protect the Great Lakes

Great Lakes September 2012 newsletter 2Sen. Levin joined a bipartisan group of senators to introduce the Great Lakes Ecosystem Protection Act, saying the legislation "demonstrates our continued commitment to investing in the Great Lakes." The bill targets damaging invasive species, combats pollution and helps clean up and restore toxic "hot spots" throughout the lakes.

Read a press release announcing the Great Lakes Ecosystem Protection Act »

Read a letter from Sen. Levin and Sen. Mark Kirk, co-chairs of the Senate Great Lakes Task Force, explaining the legislation to their colleagues »

Read statements from Sen. Levin and Sen. Kirk on the signing of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement between the United States and Canada »

More news from Senator Levin

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