
How to Talk to Your Kids About Alcohol

April is Alcohol Awareness Month – the perfect time for you to open a dialogue with your children about underage drinking. The Century Council’s Ask Listen Learn: Kids and Alcohol Don’t Mix program provides youth ages 9-14 and their parents with information about the dangers of underage drinking.

Tweens know what’s going on, and they’re more than just a little curious about it. So before they’re presented with the opportunity, it’s critical to give them the information they need to make the right decision. Ask, Listen, Learn: Kids and Alcohol Don’t Mix provides you with information and practical tips on how to talk to adolescents about alcohol.

Help support them by teaching them how to say “Yes” to a healthy lifestyle and “No” to underage drinking. It is important to have these conversations early and often, not just “one big conversation”. Make sure that either as a parent, teacher, or caregiver, you get involved!

Order or download free copies of the Ask, Listen, Learn brochures for parents and kids and find more information and additional resources at

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