Photo and Video Galleries are an easy way to access and view a few select items from the holdings at the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum. Feel free to print a Presidential document from a flip book, watch a video, zoom in on a photograph, or view all sides of an artifact by rotating it 360 degrees!

In the wake of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, people from around the world united and voiced their sympathy and support for the United States.  The World Reacts Flip Book contains a small sample of condolence materials from citizens of over 75 countries.


Presidents have long used social events to foster diplomatic ties. The menus and photographs selected for the Flip Book illustrate the wide range of diplomatic and social events hosted by President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush at the White House, Camp David, and the Prairie Chapel Ranch.


This gallery consists of 25 digital photographs taken throughout the Administration of President George W. Bush of Tee Ball on the South Lawn, an annual event that began in April 2001 and featured teams from across the Washington D.C. region.


This gallery consists of 60 photographs taken from September 11, 2001 through October 30, 2001. These photos focus on the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the President's leadership during that terrible time in our nation's history.


This gallery consists of 40 digital photographs taken throughout the Administration of President George W. Bush and provided to the public as lithographs.


This gallery features a sampling of documents from President George W. Bush's time in the White House, including menus from White House dinners and lunches, letters from American children asking about the first pets, a note from President Bush written on the day that the last of the debris was removed from Ground Zero, the President's own speech cards, and other documents.


Watch the videos recorded by the White House Communications Agency during the Presidency of George W. Bush. Videos include speeches about the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, inaugural addresses, bill signing statements, and a spring garden tour at the White House hosted by Barney and Miss Beazley.


Rotate artifacts 360 degrees to view gifts given to the President George W. Bush and Laura Bush by American citizens and foreign Heads of State.

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