
Featured Video: State of the Union Response

Posted 01/27/12

Nuclear Testing

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President Obama Taking False Credit for Iraq Policies

Posted 06/21/11

Fox News, Neil Cavuto. September 1, 2010 Congressman Trent Franks (AZ-02) talked to Neil Cavuto about President Obama's speech announcing the "end of combat operations in Iraq." According to Franks, President Obama seems to be trying to take credit for policies -- including the 2007 troop surge, which then-Senator Obama strongly opposed and the December 31st, 2011 target date for full withdrawal -- that were put into place under the Bush Administration, well before President Obama took office.


We Face the World's Most Dangerous Weapons

Posted 06/21/11

House Floor May 26, 2011 Rep. Trent Franks votes down the Sanchez Amendment which would cut $100 million from the GMD system, the only missile defense system that protects America from intercontinental ballistic missiles
