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General Internship Information

Interns are an important part of my staff. My office offers several internships to college students from Michigan for service in my Washington and Michigan offices. Though internships are unpaid positions, they offer students a valuable opportunity to experience many aspects of working in a Senate office.

We do not accept applications from high school students for the summer sessions and preference is given to Michigan residents.

Click each section below to learn more about it.

Washington Internships »

There are three summer sessions of five weeks each in my Washington office. The dates are approximately the first week of May through the first week of June; the second week of June through the second week of July; and the third week of July through the second week of August. Internships during the spring and fall semesters are for more extended periods of time.

The internship program is designed to provide a balanced view of the work of the Senate and in a senator's office. Interns are assigned to work with my legislative and press staff.

Legislative projects include activities such as reporting on hearings; following pending legislation; and researching information for responses to constituent mail. Press interns assist the press office with activities such as clipping newspapers and compiling the daily news clips; preparing news advisories; helping with media events; and other special projects.

Interns also help with some of the administrative work of the office such as sorting mail and making pickups and deliveries during the day.

The Senate often offers a summer lecture series for interns, which interns are encouraged to attend. Interns are also encouraged to go to committee hearings and the Senate visitors’ gallery to watch senators debate the issues of the day.

Michigan Internships »

Each of my seven Michigan offices offers internships. The regional offices offer a different internship experience from Washington.

Interns in the state offices help answer the phones and open the mail. They review local newspapers for articles to be clipped, scanned and emailed to my Washington office. Interns may work on special projects and help with a community event.

By working closely with my state staff, interns are able to see firsthand the importance of helping Michiganians.

Application Process - Washington Internships »

If you are interested in an internship in my Washington office, please fill out the online application. In addition to the online application, you will need to submit a resume, a short explanation of your reasons for interest in the program (one page or less), a writing sample (five pages or less), two letters of recommendation, and a list of references with phone numbers. All of the above will need to be submitted electronically before your application will be considered complete.

If you are requesting a summer internship, you will need to submit your application by March 15th. Acceptance emails are usually sent out in April.

Requests for fall, winter and spring internships should be made no later than four weeks prior to the desired internship.

Application Process - Michigan Internships »

If you would like an internship in one of my Michigan offices, please call that office first to discuss your interest and the dates you are available. After that, please submit a resume and a short explanation of your reasons for interest in the program (one page or less) to that regional office.

Other Questions »

If you have any questions concerning the internship program, please contact my intern coordinator at (202) 224-6221.