CAMP PEPELISHTE, Macedonia â A Macedonian Red Cross member stabilizes a stick that went through the hand of a âÂvictimmmâ of an explosion during Medical Training Exercise in Central and Easte

CAMP PEPELISHTE, Macedonia   A Macedonian Red Cross member stabilizes a stick that went through the hand of a victim of an explosion during Medical Training Exercise in Central and Eastern Europe 2011 June 11. Macedonian and U.S. service members were given a variety of moulaged injuries to simulate ones experienced by mudslide, building collapse and explosion victims. The countries participating in this yearrrâÂs MEDCEUR are Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Slovenia and Norway. MEDCEUR is a Partnership for Peace and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff-sponsored regional and multilateral exercise in Central and Eastern Europe designed to provide medical training and operational experience in a deployed environment. (U.S. Air Force photo/Master Sgt. Kelley J. Stewart) View at highest resolution (1000 by 464 pixels)

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CAMP PEPELISHTE, Macedonia A Macedonian Red Cross member stabilizes a stick that went through the hand of a victim of an explosion during Medical Training Exercise in Central and Eastern Europe 2011 June 11. Macedonian and U.S. service members were given a variety of moulaged injuries to simulate ones experienced by mudslide, building collapse and explosion victims. The countries participating in this yearrrâÂs MEDCEUR are Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Slovenia and Norway. MEDCEUR is a Partnership for Peace and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff-sponsored regional and multilateral exercise in Central and Eastern Europe designed to provide medical training and operational experience in a deployed environment. (U.S. Air Force photo/Master Sgt. Kelley J. Stewart)

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