Franks in the News -- Week of 6/10/12

Date: June 15, 2012

By: Congressman Trent Franks

Huge move. Rep. Trent Franks and Sen. Jim DeMint last Tuesday introduced a measure seeking to amend the U.S. Constitution to allow parents to raise children in the way they see fit. The Parental Rights Amendment would impose a “compelling interest” test on government entities before they interfere with parents’ rights to direct their children’s education or other aspects of their upbringing.
U.S Representative Trent Franks (R-Ariz.), one of the speakers at the Washington, D.C. religious freedom rally, told the Catholic News Agency that concern by Americans over the contraception mandate would provide momentum beyond the June 8 event. “There are enough people in this country that are committed to the cause of religious freedom,” he said. “They understand that it’s the basis of all other freedoms, and they will not abandon this cause.” He added that being forced to choose between violating their faith and facing government retribution “is simply not going to be something the American people will swallow.”
It looks like the EMP caucus--based on a quick Google search--could use some additional support. Congressman Trent Franks of Arizona started the group to help get his EMP safeguard legislation passed back in 2011. He appears to have two other members supporting the caucus: Roscoe Bartlett, a Maryland Republican, and Yvette Clarke, a Democrat from Brooklyn.
Samuel "Joe the Plumber" Wurzelbacher says Marcy Kaptur opposed a ban on gender abortions Almost 40 years after the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Roe v. Wade legalized abortion under most circumstances, abortion remains a political hot button.
Samuel "Joe the Plumber" Wurzelbacher, the Republican congressional candidate in Ohio's 9th District, demonstrates that in a news release, video and series of Twitter tweets aimed at Democratic incumbent Marcy Kaptur.
"The Supreme Court has accurately said that parental rights are 'perhaps the oldest of the fundamental liberty interests recognized by [the] Court,' yet those rights now lack sufficient legal protection under the Constitution," Farris continues. "Thanks to concerned citizens and engaged leaders in Congress, we look forward to correcting that problem through the adoption of this amendment."
Senate Republicans are floating a bill meant to ban sex-selective abortions after an identical measure was defeated in the GOP-controlled House. 
Evidence indicates that this administration continues to bow before groups associated with the goal of ‘destroying Western civilization from within,’ and about whom the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals has found that there is plenty of evidence indicating that they support terrorism," said Gohmert.
Five Republican members of Congress on Thursday called for the inspectors general of government departments dealing with national security to investigate whether their agencies are being influenced by the Muslim Brotherhood via its “civilization jihad.”
Vitter’s Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act has 26 co-sponsors and comes on the heels of Arizona Republican Rep. Trent Frank’ attempt to pass similar legislation on the House side. The proposal also coincides with the release of a series of pro-life investigative videos showing abortion providers ready and willing to offer sex-selective abortions.
Washington, DC, June 14, 2012: Five influential Members of Congress called yesterday for the inspectors general (IGs) of government departments with national security responsibilities to investigate whether their agencies are being subjected to influence operations mounted as part of what the Muslim Brotherhood calls its “civilization jihad.”  This initiative holds out hope that a grave, and largely unremarked, threat may thus be recognized and thwarted in time.

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