The Republican Budget Slashes Education Funding and Jobs

Mar 28, 2012 Issues: Education, Higher Education

The House Republican budget calls for massive tax breaks for those making over $1 million per year - at least $150,000 - and oil and gas companies, while slashing investments in education programs that serve millions of low-income and middle-class Americans.

The Republican budget reduces critical support to ensure every student has access to a high-quality K-12 education.

  • The Republican budget reduces funding for Title I by $2.7 billion, eliminating crucial support for teachers, tutors, and afterschool programs for more than 3.8 million low-income and disadvantaged students in over 9,000 schools. With this reduction, 38,000 teachers and other staff could lose their jobs.
  • The Republican budget reduces funding for special education by $2.2 billion, decreasing critical support for over 6 million students with disabilities. With this cut, over 30,000 special education teachers and other staff could lose their jobs.

The Republican budget takes a dramatic stance against students receiving a quality, affordable, post-secondary education.

  • The Republican budget allows interest rates to double on student loans for nearly 7.5 million students and families, costing the average borrower as much as $5,000 in higher loan repayment costs.
  • The Republican budget eliminates in-school interest payments on Stafford Loans, forcing students to go deeper into debt before they graduate.
  • The Republican budget scraps the expansion of Income-Based Repayment (IBR); removing protections which help ensure students have reasonable student loan payments.
  • The Republican budget permanently damages the Pell Grant program, eliminating all mandatory funding for Pell Grants and cutting planned –and already paid for – inflationary increases.

The Republican budget decreases college access and workplace training.

  • The Republican budget cuts $500 million in annual job-training funds, eliminating mandatory funding for the Community College/TAA grant program.