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Civil and Mechanical Engineering : Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

What is Mechanical Engineering?
Mechanical Engineering is one of the broadest of all engineering disciplines, traditionally encompassing three primary subfields: energy, mechanisms and machinery, and manufacturing. Although its primary purpose could be summarized as creating and improving machines to benefit mankind, this fundamental task engages the mechanical engineer in a vast array of fascinating specialty areas.
Mechanical engineers work in fields ranging from robotics to superconductivity, from centrifuges to artificial joints and limbs, from rocket propulsion systems to air conditioners. Almost everything sold on the market today has involved mechanical engineering, from its very conception and design to its production and marketing.
What will I study?
Majors choose a two-course subdiscipline from those listed below and an additional elective course. Learn about the major requirements...
Core Engineering Sequence cadets follow a three-course outline that provides an overview of mechanical engineering fundamentals. Learn about the CES requirements...
  • Aeronautical Systems
    • Students study the science and design of fixed wing flight systems. Cadets fly in Army fixed wing aircraft as part of their coursework.
  • Automotive Systems
    • Students gain an in-depth knowledge of automotive power and transmission systems. Much of this material is presented in the context of Army vehicles and systems.
  • Biological Systems
    • Students explore interactions between human and mechanical systems and how these systems can be manipulated and constructed to better serve humanity. This is a very new and exciting area within mechanical engineering.
  • Power and Energy
    • Students learn about energy resources, alternative energy, energy storage, conversion between forms of energy, and energy performance limitations as they apply to satisfying the needs of mankind.
  • Engineering Management
    • Students learn valuable skills such as how to manage time, finances, and personnel in the context of mechanical engineering projects.
  • Mechatronics
    • Students apply skills from mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and computer science to enable real-world control of robots, unmanned aerial vehicles, and other autonomous systems.
Questions: COL Grant Crawford, ME Program Director
Why study Mechanical Engineering?
  • Mechanical Engineering teaches you how things work. This will be of enormous benefit to you as an Army officer in an increasingly technical world. Almost everything used in the military has involved mechanical engineering at all or most stages of its design and production.
  • Mechanical Engineering teaches you how to think. Mechanical engineers learn how to describe, analyze, and solve problems using mathematics and systematic problem-solving techniques. Learning to think logically and to work systematically contributes to an ability to address new and difficult problems with confidence.
  • Mechanical Engineering teaches you how to oversee complicated and interdisciplinary projects. Because a mechanical engineering education teaches you how things work and how to logically solve new problems, mechanical engineers are in very high demand as project managers.
  • Mechanical Engineering provides an opportunity for solving challenging, real-life problems for the benefit of the Army and society. Engineers are explorers and inventors. They push technological frontiers to improve the quality of life for our nation’s citizens today and for the future. The Army provides many postgraduate educational and research opportunities at top universities and research laboratories for its best engineering minds.
  • Mechanical Engineering allows you to keep your options open. Mechanical engineers possess excellent reasoning skills and understand their world. These qualities make mechanical engineers competitive for most graduate programs of study in engineering as well as law, business, and medicine.
  • 2012 U.S. News and World Report - ME Program #8 in the Nation
    The USMA Mechanical Engineering Program is accredited by:
    Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET
    111 Market Place
    Suite 1050
    Baltimore, MD 21202-4012
    (410) 347-7700
    ABET Program Outcomes and Objectives