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Digital Preservation

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Digital Preservation Video Series

The Digital Preservation Video Series features thought-provoking videos produced by the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program at the Library of Congress, highlighting the efforts to develop a national strategy to collect, preserve and make available significant digital content for current and future generations.

Adding Descriptions to Digital Photos: Your Gift to the Future

Event date: 8/2011
Running Time: 00:03:14

K-12 Web Archiving: Preserving the Present

Speaker: Paul Bogush
Event date: 05/2011
Running Time: 00:04:55

America's Young Archivists

Event date: 02/28/2011
Running Time: 00:07:59

Bridging Physical and Digital Preservation

Event Date: 09/03/2010
Running Time: 00:04:41

Why Digital Preservation is Important for You

Posted Date: 03/31/2010
Running Time: 00:03:10

Why Digital Preservation is Important for Everyone

Posted Date: 03/31/2010
Running Time: 00:03:10

Digital Natives Explore Digital Preservation

Posted Date: 01/26/2010
Running Time: 00:03:48

Web Archiving

Posted Date: 10/07/2009
Running Time: 00:03:10

Bagit: Transferring Content for Digital Preservation

Posted Date: 06/24/2009
Running Time: 00:03:14

Digital Preservation Webcasts and Presentations

A list of digital preservation-related webcasts and presentations at the Library, listed chronologically by event or posting date.



Date: 12/20/2011
Running Time: 00:2:07

Tim O'Reilly: Keynote for 2011 NDIIPP/NDSA Partners Meeting

Event date: 7/19/2011
Running Time: 00:31:47

Aaron Presnell, Guest Speaker at the 2011 NDIIPP/NDSA Meeting

Event date: 7/19/2011
Running Time: 00:22:46

News is Like Water: Keynote for the Newspaper Archive Summit

Speaker: Martha Anderson
Event date: 04/11/2011
Running Time: 00:15:20

The Googlization of Everything

Event date: 03/25/2011
Running Time: 00:01:14

Preservation Week 2011

Event date: 040/1/2011
Running Time: 00:00:48

Collecting Metadata for Recorded Sound

Event date: 12/17/2010
Running Time: 00:48:00

Access to Electronic Federal Publications

Event date: 11/16/2010
Running Time: 00:41:00

Optical Scanning & Sound Preservation

Event date: 10/04/2010
Running Time: 01:19:00

Data Conservancy: A Web Science View of Data Curation

Event Date: 06/07/2010
Running Time: 01:03:00

Archiving Digital Audio

Event Date: 05/10/2010
Running Time: 00:15:06

Preserving Personal Web Content

Event Date: 05/10/2010
Running Time: 00:08:06

Archiving Digital Photos

Event Date: 05/10/2010
Running Time: 00:10:59

Gordon Bell and MyLifeBits

Event Date: 05/5/2010
Running Time: 01:23:00

Memento: Time Travel for the Web

Speakers: Herbert Van de Sompel and Michael Nelson
Event Date: 11/16/2009
Running Time: 01:08:00

Ensuring the Longevity of Digital Documents

Posted Date: 07/27/2009
Running Time: 01:16:00

A Public Interest in Private Records

Speaker: David Kirsch
Event Date: 05/17/2009
Running Time: 01:01:00

Preserving State Govt. Digital Information

Speaker: Robert Horton
Event Date: 04/24/2008
Running Time: 00:50:00

LC Data Tests with the San Diego Supercomputer Center

Speaker: David Minor
Event Date: 09/19/07
Running Time: 00:43:00

NDIIPP Partners Address ALA Attendees

Speakers: Various
Event Date: 06/25/07
Running Time: 01:00:00

Preserving Digital Social Science Data: Data-PASS

Speaker: Myron Gutmann
Event Date: 01/26/07
Running Time: 01:00:00

National Geospatial Digital Archive: A Partnership Network

Speaker: Larry Carver
Event Date: 12/06/06
Running Time: 01:00:00

Thinking Differently About Web Page Preservation

Speakers: Michael Nelson, Frank McCown, Joan Smith
Event Date: 06/29/06
Running Time: 01:24:00

Portico: Electronic Archiving Service

Speaker: Eileen Fenton
Event Date: 05/10/06
Running Time: 00:45:00

Archive Ingest and Handling Test

Speaker: Keith Johnson
Event Date: 04/05/06
Running Time: 01:06:00

Preserving Digital Public Television

Speaker: Nan Rubin
Event Date: 03/08/06
Running Time: 01:16:00

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