
Featured Video: State of the Union Response

Posted 01/27/12

health care

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Trent Franks Discussing Obama's Joint Session Speech on Health Care

Posted 09/10/09

Following President Obama's speech to a joint session of Congress, Congressman Trent Franks (R-AZ) stopped by Fox Business to discuss what effect, if any, the speech will have on the debate surrounding health care reform and whether a bipartisan solution is feasible.


Congressman Trent Franks Discusses Obama's "Czars" and ObamaCare

Posted 09/08/09

Congressman Trent Franks (R - AZ) visits Fox News' "America's News HQ" and explains that fully detailing his health care plan is the worst thing President Obama can do, as Americans will only hate it more, if they fully understand everything it seeks to do.


Congressman Franks: ObamaCare is Especially Irresponsible Given Current Deficits

Posted 08/27/09

Congressman Trent Franks (R - AZ) on Fox News' "Live Desk" discusses President Obama's health care proposal, in light of new deficit projections released by the President's own budget office and the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office.


Congressman Trent Franks Debating Socialized Medicine with Congressman Eliot Engel

Posted 08/04/09

Congressman Trent Franks (R - AZ) appeared on Fox News on August 1st, 2009 to debate Congressman Eliot Engel (D - NY) on whether the Democrats' proposed government takeover of the health care industry is a good idea.


Trent Franks on a Republican Alternative to Socialized Medicine

Posted 07/30/09

Congressman Trent Franks speaks at a press conference on Congressman John Shaddegg's health care bill (H.R. 3218), which is an alternative to the Democrats' proposed government takeover of the health care industry.
