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Work for Others

The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Work for Others (WFO) program allows the performance of work for non-DOE entities when the work is not directly funded by DOE. It also provides for the use of DOE facilities for such work.

The objectives of the WFO program are:

  • To provide assistance to other federal agencies and nonfederal entities in accomplishing goals that may otherwise be unobtainable and to avoid the possible duplication of effort at federal facilities.
  • To provide non-DOE entities access to highly specialized or unique DOE facilities, services or technical expertise.
  • To increase research and development that will transfer technology originating in DOE facilities to industry for further development or commercialization.
  • To maintain core competencies and enhance the science and technology base at DOE facilities.

WFO Criteria

All WFO work:

  • Must be consistent with or complementary to missions of DOE and the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE);
  • Will not adversely impact DOE programs assigned to ORISE;
  • Will not place DOE in direct competition with the domestic private sector;
  • Will not create a detrimental future burden on DOE resources.

ORISE Areas of Expertise

ORISE offers a wide range of capabilities, which are summarized in the following program areas:

How Does the WFO Process Work?

Customers may arrange for work to be conducted at ORISE through a relatively simple business arrangement. The key steps in the overall process are:

  • Preliminary discussions between ORISE and the customer;
  • ORISE prepares a proposal, budget estimates and resource requirements;
  • DOE, ORISE and the customer review and approve the proposal;
  • Customer submits funding;
  • DOE accepts customer’s funding and authorizes work to begin.

ORISE performs the work in compliance with the terms and conditions of the agreement. Billing is monthly, and payments are due within 30 days for federal agencies. Non-federal entities are required to provide advance funding unless an exemption is granted by DOE.

ORISE WFO Customers

For more information, contact:

Becky Kennard
Manager, Contracts Administration
Work: 865.576.8533

Lee Robinson
Contracts Administration Project Manager
Work: 865.574.5720

Richard Salkeld
WFO Coordinator
Work: 865.241.2680