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Media Center

Looking for the latest news about the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE)? The ORISE Media Center offers an extensive collection of media resources, including news releases, photos, media contacts, links to ORISE publications, background information and videos.

News Releases

Evasius selected as ORAU’s vice president and director of science education programs

Oak Ridge Associated Universities has named Dr. Dean Evasius as vice president and director of science education programs.

ORISE receives continued recognition at the Star level in DOE VPP

ORISE, which is managed by ORAU, was recently recognized for its pursuit of excellence in health and safety and for achieving continued recognition at the Star level in DOE's VPP.

Study finds rate of foreign doctorate recipients staying in the United States remains high

The number of foreign students pursuing science and engineering doctorates in the United States continues to trend upward, and the rates at which they remain in the United States to work after graduation are at or near the highest levels observed.

ORISE report shows number of health physics degrees increased for graduates, decreased for undergraduates in 2010

The number of health physics graduate degrees increased for both master’s and doctoral candidates in 2010, but decreased for bachelor’s degrees, says a report released this year by ORISE.

DOE Secretary Chu honors ORAU employees for Japan crisis response

Sixteen ORAU employees received U.S. Department of Energy Secretarial Honor Awards, presented by Energy Secretary Steven Chu, for their work supporting the agency in responding to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor crisis in Japan.

ORISE report shows graduation, enrollment rates for nuclear engineering candidates are still at highest ranges reported since 1980s

After a one-year decline, the number of graduate and undergraduate nuclear engineering degrees earned in the United States bounced back in 2010. A recent report from the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education shows enrollments of both undergraduate and graduate nuclear engineering students are still in the highest ranges reported since the early 1980s.

MEDIA ADVISORY: REAC/TS International Symposium to include sessions on the Fukushima crisis

The crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi plant reminded the world that we are vulnerable. The response to this emergency is among the topics to be discussed at the 5th International REAC/TS Symposium on the Medical Basis for Radiation Accident Preparedness.

ORISE Beryllium Laboratory accredited by College of American Pathologists

ORISE Beryllium Lab congratulated for its excellence in providing services during recent onsite inspection by Accreditation Committee of College of American Pathologists. The inspection results in accreditation for the second time for the lab.

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YouTubeYouTube: Check out our video collection, share them with friends, or leave comments on ones you like on the ORISE YouTube channel.

FlickrFlickr: Browse a collection of ORISE event and program photos that are available for viewing on the ORAU-ORISE Flickr gallery. Please note that if you republish these images, credit must be given to the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education.

ORISE Fact Sheets


Media Contacts

Pam Bonee
Director, Communications
Work: 865.576.3146
Cell: 865.603.5142

Wendy West
Manager, Communications
Work: 865.576.0028
Cell: 865.207.7953

Nicole Merrifield
Communications Specialist, Communications
Work: 865.241.0482
Cell: 865.323.5762