Hoyer Statement on September Jobs Report

WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today after the Department of Labor released its jobs report for September:

"Today’s jobs report confirms that America’s economy is moving forward.  With 104,000 private sector jobs added in September and our unemployment rate dropping below 8% for the first time in almost four years, more Americans are heading back to work for the thirty-first consecutive month as our recovery continues. After losing over 4 million jobs in the final year of the previous administration alone, our economy has turned a corner, adding nearly 2 million jobs over just the last 12 months.
“These positive numbers are a clear sign that President Obama’s recovery policies are working, and the American people need his leadership now more than ever. However, we cannot be satisfied by these gains alone, and we must do more.  President Obama and Congressional Democrats cannot act alone – we need Congress to pass a comprehensive jobs plan that will invest in helping businesses succeed, expand, and hire for jobs here at home.  Unfortunately, House Republicans have walked away from the American people by leaving town until November without finishing the job. It’s time for Republicans to work with Democrats to adopt a comprehensive jobs plan, like House Democrats’ Make It In America plan, which invests in manufacturing and giving American businesses the certainty they need to expand and hire.

"Now is not the time to walk away from our jobs challenge but to confront it head-on, and this Congress has a responsibility to act. Democrats are ready to lead the way forward.”

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