Artist rendering of the entrance to the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum.  Courtesy George W. Bush Foundation and Michael McCann for Robert A.M. Stern Architects, LLP.
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Artist rendering of the entrance to Freedom Plaza. The Plaza will include space for the Library and Museum’s temporary exhibits.

Courtesy George W. Bush Foundation and Michael McCann for Robert A.M. Stern Architects, LLP.

Partners are crucial to the success of the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum. The President and Mrs. Laura Bush, along with their colleagues at the Office of George W. Bush, provide wonderful support. The staff of the Library and Museum is honored to work with President and Mrs. Bush, the George W. Bush Foundation, and the George W. Bush Institute.

The other Presidential Libraries administered by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and the Office of Presidential Libraries (under the leadership of Assistant Archivist for Presidential Libraries, Susan Donius) are also important partners for the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum. Around the country, Presidential Libraries are leaders in providing access to archives, mounting innovative museum exhibits, creating interesting public programming, and crafting exciting educational initiatives. The Library and Museum is especially pleased to have a special partnership with fellow Presidential Libraries in Texas: the Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library in Austin, directed by Mark Updegrove, and the George Bush Presidential Library in College Station, directed by Warren Finch.

Within NARA, the Library and Museum has a wide range of partners, such as our colleagues in the Office of General Counsel, the Southwest Regional Archives and Records Center, and the Center for Legislative Archives. Led by the Archivist of the United States, David Ferriero, NARA has the tremendously complex job of being the nation’s record keeper. The George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum is proud to be part of that important mission.

Finally, the Library and Museum strives to engage a wide range of local, regional, national, and international partners with a goal of utilizing resources to educate, inform, and inspire. Of special importance is our partnership with Southern Methodist University (SMU). We are proud to work closely with SMU to serve their students and faculty, and to being part of the beautiful SMU campus. 

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