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Historic Preservation

The National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), 16 U.S.C. 470 et seq., directs each Federal agency, and those Tribal, State, and Local governments that assume Federal agency responsibilities, to have a historic preservation program - that is, a program to protect historic resources and avoid or minimize possible harm that may result from agency decisions and actions. The NHPA does not prohibit change to historic properties, but it does require that alternatives be considered. Early consideration of historic places in agency planning and full consultation with all concerned citizens are the keys to effective historic preservation. Federal agency responsibilities are mandated particularly in Sections 106 and 110 of the Act.

HUD Guidance and Technical Assistance
 - Historic Preservation Basics—Section 106 Compliance and HUD
 - Webcast: HUD, Historic Preservation Section 106 Basics, September 18, 2008
 - Section 106 Flowchart
 - Historic Preservation/Section 106 Consultation Checklist
 - CDBG Publication, "Preserving America"
 - Linking HP to CDBG, 1991
 - Neighborhood Stabilization Program Section 106 Toolkit
 - Section 106 Guidance for NSP Land Banking


 - Authorization of NSP2 Non-Profit Grantees
to Initiate Consultation per 36 CFR Part 800,
Protection of Historic Properties
 - Strategies to Expedite Environmental
Reviews for NSP2
 - Acquisition/Resale Activities Determined
to have No Potential to Cause Effects to Historic Properties
 - Guidance for categorizing an activity as
maintenance for compliance with HUD's
environmental regulations, 24 CFR Parts 50 and 58
 - Historic Properties and the Lead Safe Housing Rule
 - HUD Environmental Regulations and
Section 106 Agreement Documents
 - Revised - Advisory Guidance for Converting
Projects Subject to Historic Preservation Requirements
to "Exempt Activities" under 58.34(a)(12)
 - Tribal Consultation Assumption Authority

Fact sheets

 - HP Fact Sheet 1 - Summary of Section 106 Compliance
 - HP Fact Sheet 2 - Ten Q on Section 106 Compliance
 - HP Fact Sheet 3 - Compliance Options for the
Section 106 Review Process
 - HP Fact Sheet 4 - Criteria for The National Register
of Historic Places
 - HP Fact Sheet 5 - What Are The Secretary of the Interior's
"Professional Qualification standards"?
 - HP Fact Sheet 6 - Guidance on Archeological Investigations in HUD Projects
 - HP Fact Sheet 7 - Historic Property Searches...
 - ACHP Citizen's Guide to Section 106
 - Certified Local Government Program
 - Guidelines for Architectural Engineering Documentation (HABS/HAER)
 - Historic Preservation Learning Portal
 - Interior Secretary's Standards for Rehabilitation
 - National Center for Preservation Technology Training
 - National Historic Landmarks
 - National Register Bulletins Brochures
 - National Register of Historic Places
 - NPS Archaeology Program Technical Briefs
 - Preservation Briefs
Environmental Review Requirements
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