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Posted by Dan Burton on July 28, 2008
Good morning friends.

You may be pleased to know that I have joined many of my colleagues in requesting Speaker Pelosi and Chairman Obey to secure their commitment that thousands of earmarks with billions of dollars will not be airdropped into a potential continuing resolution or omnibus-spending bill. We have asked this because it is becoming increasingly unlikely that the fiscal year 2009 appropriations bills will be considered on the floor of the House of Representatives this session.

To date, five appropriations bills including more than 2,000 earmarks worth more than $2.2 billion have been favorably reported by the Appropriations Committee. Media reports have also indicated that the ultimate level of spending on earmarks in the fiscal year 2009-appropriation bills could be as high as the $18.3 billion spent on earmarks last year. Even those who support the practice of earmarking agree that these earmarks should be subject to debate on the House floor.

Speaker Pelosi has previously indicated her commitment to “auditing the books and subjecting every facet of federal spending to tough budget discipline and accountability.” We hope she would agree that allowing earmarks to be approved in spending bills without so much as a cursory vetting on the House floor would be inconsistent with this pledge.

Patricia Dean Carr - September 14, 2009

September 14, 2009 Dear Congressman: I have no option but to express my demand for a Federal Bureau of Investigation into the ACORN organization and the allegations that reside in the report "Is ACORN Intentionally Structured As a Criminal Enterprise?" dated July 23, 2009 as submitted by the House or Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Whether the report stands alone or is coupled with the videos that have surfaced recently regarding ACORN's housing initiative and the condoning of both subverting the laws of this land and the import of children for nefarious reasons, it is clear that an investigation into this recipient of my tax dollars is more than warranted. I understand that Congressman John Conyers has said that those in position of power over him have stated that his call for an investigation into ACORN will not go forward. I submit that there is no one higher in the legislature that has the ability to dictate to a congressman what investigation he can and cannot call for. This would include his party, his party's leadership and his party's caucus. To do so would be to abdicate the power that was vested in him as a sitting congressman from his state. He owes allegiance to the people he represents and to his nation and to no others as per the oath he swore at the opening of the 111th Congress, to wit: "I, John Conyers, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God." Nowhere in this oath does he swear allegiance to his party, it's leadership or to the Democrat caucus. Nor to any other organization or person other than to the Constitution of the United States. ACORN received funds from the US Taxpayer via grants and contracts with the US Government. In doing so it opens itself to scrutiny from the American public. I, as a taxpayer, have the right and duty to ensure that the funds ACORN receives and distributes are in keeping with the laws of this land. Therefore, again, I ask that both a criminal and a financial investigation be undertaken to ensure that the funds this organization received were legally applied for and were received without undue influence either asked or given. Further, that the expenditure of those monies were in keeping with the non profit status afforded this organization by virtue of it's Articles of Incorporation and it's By-laws. There is glaring dereliction of duty in the House of Representatives at this time when it comes to matters such as corruption of the political process. This continued practice for the sake of re-election can no longer stand in this nation. I for one will not condone that action. I call on you to join me in this effort. Respectfully, Patricia Dean Carr

Linda Hannah - September 24, 2009

Stop the spending of billions of dollars that is putting us more in debt. STOP the bill for Healthcare. Stop the bill for cap and trade.

James Ahrendt - February 24, 2010

Know your career is short. If you vote for this Helth Care Bill. I am asking you to take a stand against Health Care. I am angry like all the rest of the American People by the way Health Care is being legislated. We have two branches of governments that need to work together. I am not a Democrat, Republican or Independent. I am American who love’s my country and it is making me sick to see politics and games instead of putting the people first that elected you. Our founding father would agree every one of you should be fired and replaced with leader’s that listen to the people. I AM ASKING YOU NOT TO VOTE YES/PARTY LINES ON THIS HEALTH CARE DESETPTION PACKAGE. THIS IS ONE OF THE BIGGEST DESPETPTIONS EVER IN HISTORY. PLEASE LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE AND NOT YOUR OWN PARTY. THANK YOU FOR YOUR LISTENING. I KNOW YOU ARE GOING TO LEAVE THIS JOB MAKING THE RIGHT DESTION TILL THE END. James Ahrendt

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