Leader Cantor on Obama Administration's Guidance Not To Issue Sequester Layoff Warnings This Year

It's been 144 days since the House passed the only plan to replace the sequester's arbitrary defense cuts. The President and Senate Democrats refuse to work with the House on any solution.

Now, with just over 90 days remaining before these crippling cuts go into effect, the White House is instructing defense contractors to not issue layoff warnings to the very Americans whose lives are most personally affected.

Ignoring the reality of these cuts will not make them go away.

Majority Leader Eric Cantor made the following statement:

The brave men and women who help defend our country deserve the respect and certainty to adequately prepare for their future. For an Administration that talks a lot about transparency, it is disappointing that they apparently think it is more important to protect their political interests than give hard working families any indication that they might in fact lose their job in 60 to 90 days due to inaction by the President and Senate Democrats.

Below is the full text of Leader Cantor's Statement:

"America's role as a global leader, our national security and millions of jobs will be jeopardized if the sequester goes forward. Yet, President Obama has failed to lead and even threatened to veto the only plan to avert these arbitrary cuts. While the House acted 144 days ago to replace these crippling defense cuts with responsible reforms, Senate Democrats and the President refuse to work with us on a solution. Instead, they have indicated they are willing to go over the fiscal cliff and let these massive cuts go into effect.

"Now, the Obama Administration's Office of Management and Budget is telling defense contractors not to issue notices to those who will be laid off as a result. The brave men and women who help defend our country deserve the respect and certainty to adequately prepare for their future. For an Administration that talks a lot about transparency, it is disappointing that they apparently think it is more important to protect their political interests than give hard working families any indication that they might in fact lose their job in 60 to 90 days due to inaction by the President and Senate Democrats."

If the Senate does not act, the sequester will take effect in:

Time since the House passed a solution:

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