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Letter to Janet Napolitano

Posted by Dan Burton on April 28, 2009

You may be interested to know that I recently joined 17 other Representatives in sending a letter to Janet Napolitano, the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), regarding her recent statements in reference to a DHS report regarding “Right-wing Extremism.”

I, along with many of you, are confused and upset by the report and her statements regarding the “disgruntled veterans” section.  The inclusion of veterans with terrorists like Timothy McVeigh is unacceptable, and completely unwarranted.  Sadly, it appears that DHS overlooked the fact that the incarceration rate for military personnel and returning veterans is substantially lower than the general population.

I have requested a clarification from Secretary Napolitano and hope to receive a detailed explanation about how DHS came to their conclusions, the process followed for producing their report, and the data used as a basis for their report.

Brad Nelson - August 18, 2009

I am one of those right-wing veterans. Apparently, I made the mistake of serving my country for 12 years. While I did not appreciate the comments nor the sentiment behind the comments, I do appreciate representatives that are willing to stand up for me and those that are like me. Most of us are very peaceful and productive; but we have long memories and very particular sets of skills. Thank you for defending us.

stephen goddard - October 16, 2009

thank you for your letter to napolitano a retired USAF officer i find her comments offensive , insensitive , and indicative of an agenda that is inconsistent with american values . unfortunately , i believe it is consistent with this administration .

Ron Hoover - December 29, 2009

Thank you!!!! I am tired of incompetent people in positions of our well being. Please continue to safe guard our best interest.

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