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Neighborhood Planning

Related Information

The following resources describe governmental and other efforts to foster neighborhood development.

  • School Centered Neighborhood Revitalization
    Contains three reports prepared for Enterprise Community Partners that illustrate diverse approaches currently being taken to improve schools and neighborhoods. The reports provide practical guidance and policies that show how community developers can work with school systems to improve individual schools, and incorporate improved schools into their neighborhood revitalization strategies.

  • Review of Neighborhood Revitalization Initiatives
    Summary of major revitalization efforts that have taken place on a national or multi-city level and references for each initiative.

  • Citibank Community Development Portal
    This website displays articles and videos on community development for partners, thought leaders, researchers, and the public. Through the use of maps by State, it identifies how Citibank works with local organizations to promote neighborhood revitalization, enterprise development, asset building, and college success.
    By State | By Category

  • Transforming Community Development with Land Information Systems
    Describes how pioneering organizations and partnerships in Chicago, Cleveland, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Philadelphia, and Washington, DC are turning robust, integrated parcel data systems into powerful tools to facilitate community revitalization and integrate neighborhood efforts into a larger regional framework. It demonstrates how land information systems can be used to address a wide range of community development challenges, including how Cleveland used data to take action against property flippers and how Washington, DC used data to track Section 8 projects with expiring contracts.

  • Urban Revitalization
    This paper offers a model of how weak market cities can build better futures through housing strategies that create neighborhoods of choice.

  • HOME and Neighborhoods: A Guide to Comprehensive Revitalization Techniques
    Explores ways that HOME participating jurisdictions (PJs) can use HOME funds to meet local community revitalization goals.

  • Interim Homeownership Zone Evaluation
    Describes lessons from 11 Homeownership Zones that can guide other communities that hope to use concentrated mixed-income homeownership to revitalize deteriorated areas.

  • Chicago New Communities
    A long-term initiative in 16 Chicago neighborhoods that supports comprehensive community development based on quality-of-life planning.

  • Charlotte Neighborhood Quality Of Life Study
    Evaluates Charlotte's neighborhoods based on social, crime, economic and physical conditions and converts the individual statistical scores into three neighborhood-ranking categories ... "stable," "threatened," and "fragile" for each Neighborhood Statistical Area.

  • Indianapolis Great Indy Neighborhood Initiative
    Resources include a step-by-step guide to creating and implementing a quality-of-life plan in your neighborhood and six neighborhood plans.
Content current as of 31 January 2012   Follow this link to go  Back to top