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Gary D. Glenn

Gary D. Glenn

Appointed By: George W. Bush
Date of Appointment: Thu, 2008-05-22
Term Expiration: Sun, 2014-01-26

Gary D. Glenn is a Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus of political science at Northern Illinois University. He is the author of 30 articles and book chapters and has delivered more than 50 papers at professional conferences, as well as given numerous lectures in the United States and abroad. He has written on American political thought, the history of political philosophy, and religion in both the Constitution and in modern political philosophy. Among his many awards, he has received the Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award and a Presidential Teaching Professorship from Northern Illinois University, as well as the Outstanding Teaching in Political Science Award from The American Political Science Association and Pi Sigma Alpha. Mr. Glenn received a B.A. from Loras College and a M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. (Term expires January 26, 2014.)