NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NATO reform

At the Lisbon Summit, November 2010, NATO leaders endorsed a new Strategic Concept, which states that the Alliance will “engage in a process of continual reform, to streamline structures, improve working methods and maximise efficiency.”

This process had already started in June 2010 with the internal organization of NATO Headquarters, i.e., the NATO Committee review. In parallel, NATO also engaged in the reform of its Command Structure – the NATO Command Structure Review - and that of its Agencies – the NATO Agencies Review.

  • The Committee Review has been implemented and is currently being fine-tuned;
  • the NATO Command Structure Review was launched at the Lisbon Summit and the approval of the model and geographical footprint was approved by defence ministers in June 2011. Its implementation will be conducted over a period of one year;
  • the Agencies Review aims to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of capabilities and services, to achieve greater synergy between similar functions and increase transparency and accountability. At the Lisbon Summit, Allies agreed to streamline the 14 NATO agencies into three major programmatic themes: procurement, support, and communications and information.

Additionally, NATO’s International Staff is being reviewed as part of this broader package of reform being undertaken within the Organisation. Similarly to the other intiatives, it aims to streamline and adapt structures to today’s environment.

A leaner, more affordable NATO

26 Jul. 2012

In this time of economic austerity the Alliance is becoming more affordable and more deployable by restructuring the NATO Command Structure.