
Art Contest

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    The annual Congressional Art Contest, An Artistic Discovery, brings together the best student artwork from across the Tenth District, and features a $1500 scholarship (per year) to attend the Savannah College of Art and Design if the winner applies and is accepted. In addition to the scholarship, the winner will receive three round-trip tickets from Southwest Airlines to fly to Washington, D.C. for the ribbon cutting ceremony on June 24, 2009. The tickets will be good for June 15 through July 15, 2009 (no extensions or exceptions) to Baltimore Washington International Airport (BWI).*


  • The competition is open to high school students only. 
  • Artwork must arrive in Congressman McHenry’s Hickory District Office by May 22, 2009 for inclusion in display. 
  • In order to allow artwork to hang in the Cannon Tunnel of the U.S. Capitol, the following restrictions are enforced: 
    • All artwork must be framed according to the stipulated framing guidelines. 
    • Artwork must be two-dimensional.
    • Each piece can be no larger than 30”x30”x4” (30 inches high, 30 inches wide, and 4 inches deep) including the outside dimensions of the frame
    • Artwork cannot weigh more than 15 lbs. 
    • Each entry must be original in concept, design, and execution and may not violate any U.S. copyright laws. Any entry which has been reproduced from an existing photo (not the student’s own), painting, graphic, advertisement, or any other work produced by another person is a violation of the competition rules and will not be accepted.
  • Artwork will hang in the Capitol for the entire year of the exhibition and cannot be returned to students earlier. Students should not submit artwork they will need for other purposes.
  • Artwork categories are as follows: 
    • Paintings: oil, acrylics, watercolor, etc. 
    • Drawings: pastels, colored pencil, pencil, charcoal, ink, markers 
    • Collage: must be two dimensional 
    • Prints: lithographs, silkscreen, block prints 
    • Mixed Media: use of more than two mediums such as pencil, ink, etc. 
    • Computer generated art 
    • Photography 
  • A TYPED copy of the Student Release form, signed by both the teacher and the student, must be attached to the artwork to certify the originality of the piece.

    The final decision regarding the suitability of all artwork for the 2009 Congressional Art Competition exhibition in the Capitol will be made by a panel of qualified persons chaired by the Architect of the Capitol. Artwork must adhere to the policy of the House Office Building Commission. In accordance with this policy, exhibits depicting subjects of contemporary political controversy or a sensationalistic or gruesome nature are not allowed. It is necessary that all artwork be reviewed by the panel chaired by the Architect of the Capitol and any portion not in consonance with the Commission’s policy will be excluded from the exhibit.


  • All artwork must be framed. Frames should be kept as simple and sturdy as possible. Metal frames are recommended. No “snap on” frames with glass are to be used. 
  • All artwork must be protected by Plexiglas or glass. Plexiglas is preferred. 
  • All works, including frame¸ should be no larger than 30 inches high, 30 inches wide, and 4 inches deep, and 15 lbs in weight. This includes the outside dimensions of the frame. 
  • Matting can enhance or detract from a work of art and should be carefully prepared. 
  • Use sturdy picture hangers on the back of the frame. Two sturdy eye hooks should be attached at the right and the left sides of the back of the work for hanging in order to prevent the work from leaning forward or hanging unevenly. Do not put wire between the hooks for hanging, this will be added when the artwork is hung in the Capitol. 
  • Do not attach labels, ribbon, etc. to the front of the piece or underneath the glass or Plexiglas. 
  • If the artwork is abstract in design, please indicate on the back side which side is “up” with arrows.

All entries must be received in my Hickory District Office by Friday, May 22, 2009.

Click here to download Art Contest Student Release Form