Repeal ObamaCare



“The Constitution doesn't give the federal government the authority to force citizens to buy anything whether it is health insurance or a box of donuts.” ~ Congressman


Ted Poe

21 Tax Hikes


  • 56 percent of likely voters favor repeal, according to a recent Rasmussen survey. One year ago, the figure stood at 53 percent.
  • 72 percent of Americans believe the individual mandate is unconstitutional, according to a February Gallup survey.
  • Two-thirds of Americans say the U.S. Supreme Court should throw out either the individual mandate in the federal health care law or the law in its entirety, according to a recent ABC News/Washington Post poll.
  • 20 millionAmericans who could potentially lose their employer-provided coverage.


  • $1.76 Trillion - How much the law will cost the American taxpayers.
  • $575 Billion - How much the law cuts from Medicare.
  • $401 Billion - How much the law increases federal entitlement spending.
  • $27 Billion – Amount of taxes imposed on manufacturers and importers of branded drugs to pay for the new health care system.


  • -$305 Million: Amount that has been defunded from the IRS’s budget, hampering its ability to implement the tax provisions within the President’s nationalized health care law.
  • 47: The number of committee hearings held to date in six different committees about the nationalized health care law.
  • 3: The number of programs that have been halted partly because of the predicted unsustainable, sky rocketing costs. The President signed into law two bills that entirely repeal two programs within the health care law– 1099s and free choice vouchers (part of the employer provisions) – and the Administration ceased implementation of the CLASS program.
  • $5 to $10 Billion: Congressman Poe introduced the Defund the Individual Mandate Act (H.R. 154). This bill would prohibit any federal funds from being made available to a federal department or agency to implement or enforce any federal mandate to purchase health insurance.
  • 255-185: The number of votes by which H.R. 6079, the Repeal of ObamaCare Act, passed in the House on Wednesday, July 11, 2012. This bill would repeal the Affordable Care Act, and health care-related provisions in the Health care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010.

“The last thing you want to do is raise taxes in the middle of a recession because that would take more demand out of the economy and put business in...

~President Obama

"The problem with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money."

~Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher

“I place economy among the first and most important of republican virtues, public debt as the greatest of dangers to be feared.”

~Thomas Jefferson