Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals

Click on the image to link to the USCIS page with information about the Deferred Action program for childhood arrivals.

Southwest Center for HIV/AIDS

Rep. Pastor recently met with Carol Poore, President/CEO of the Southwest Center for HIV/AIDS and its employees to discuss the organization's work in the community.

MIHS health fair

Rep. Pastor helps pass out backpacks at the Maricopa Integrated Health System's Fourth Annual Community Health Fair.

National Health Care Center Week

Rep. Pastor discusses services at the Wesley Health Center in Phoenix with Emma Viera, Fran Aragon and Dr. Kathleen Brite on Aug. 11, 2012.

Nursing education grant

U.S. Rep. Ed Pastor joined community leaders on June 14, 2012, to announce a nursing education grant from the Department of Labor.

Environmental quality

Diane Yazzie Devine gives Chairwoman Nancy Sutley of the White House Council on Environmental Quality and Congressman Pastor a tour of Devine Legacy, a transit-oriented development in Phoenix.

College Accessibility

U.S. Rep. Ed Pastor discusses the need to keep student loan interest rates from doubling during a student forum at ASU's Cronkite School.

Higher education advocates

Rep. Ed Pastor and Administration officials met with student representatives from Arizona's universities and colleges to discuss keeping education affordable.

Opposing AZ's SB 1070 law

Rep. Ed Pastor spoke about his objections to SB 1070 at a press conference in Washington announcing 68 members of Congress filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court.

Golden Gate Head Start

Congressman Ed Pastor greet children and teachers at the Golden Gate Head Start program on the first day of school.

Golden Gate Community Center

In August, Rep. Ed Pastor visited the Golden Gate Community Center and its Head Start Program and had a chance to meet with key staff.

Rep. Pastor meets constituent

Congressman Rep. Pastor recently met with constituent Abe Harris, III, to discuss federal issues.

Quilts for Wounded Warriors

Glendale Community Center seniors donated 30 quilts to wounded warriors.

Community event

Community Liaison Jose Rivas explains congressional services to constituents at a community event.

CHCI and Close Up Students

Students with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute and the Close-Up Foundation meet with Rep. Pastor.

Health Care Education

Rep. Pastor said health care will improve as a result of the affiliation of the Maricopa Integrated Health System and the U of A College of Medicine.

Mr. Savedra's Medals

Phoenix Veteran Raymond Savedra receives the military medals he earned in the Korean War from Army Col. Jack Ruffing.

Crews'n Healthmobile

Health care for children was discussed recently in a meeting with representatives from Phoenix Children's Hospital and Chiricahua Community Health Centers.


Congressman Ed Pastor discusses federal issues with community leaders at a recent event in Phoenix.

Health Care

Congressman Ed Pastor discusses health care issues with surgical nurse Mary Harden at a Maricopa Integrated Health System event in Phoenix.


Congressman Ed Pastor recently recognized constituent Ramon Benavides, who at the age of 91 took the Oath of Allegiance and was sworn in as a new U.S. citizen at a

Federal Grants

Congressman Ed Pastor and a Glendale Police officer discuss how a $940,000 federal grant, secured through Rep. Pastor's assistance, is aiding Glendale police with new technology to help fight crime.

Labor Event

Congressman Ed Pastor joined Labor Secretary Hilda Solis at a Phoenix labor event in February to discuss how the stimulus act is putting people back to work.

Housing issues discussion

Congressman Ed Pastor, Shaun Donovan, the U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and local stakeholders discuss housing stabilization efforts.

Workshop for small businesses

Rep. Pastor led a workshop for small businesses with Ruth F. Cox of GSA, Shivani Dubey of SBA and William P. Shaw of HUD.

Fighting juvenile diabetes

Congressman Ed Pastor recently met with a representative and an advocate family from the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.

Phoenix Children's Hospital

Congressman Pastor discusses the health care services for the district with Phoenix Children's Hospital Drs. John Nigro and Brigham Willis.

Food for the Hungry

Rep. Pastor discusses collaborative efforts by Food for the Hungry to fight global poverty with its COO Marty Martin at its Phoenix facility on Aug. 15, 2012. # # # # /index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=17&Itemid=1 /index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=17&Itemid=1 # # # # /index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5&Itemid=1 /index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5&Itemid=1 /index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5&Itemid=1 /index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5&Itemid=1 # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  • Press Releases

September 05, 2012

Rep. Pastor to hold Deferred Action Workshop on Sept. 22

Rep. Pastor’s Deferred Action Workshop Sept. 22 will help ‘DREAMers’ apply for deportation...

June 28, 2012

Congressman Pastor commends Supreme Court for upholding health care reform law

Congressman Pastor reacts to Supreme Court decision on health care reform law WASHINGTO...

June 28, 2012

Congresista Pastor le da las gracias a la Corte Suprema por la decisión sobre la ley de salud

El Congresista Pastor reacciona a la decision de la Corte Suprema sobre la ley de la refor...

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