New to OSAC?

OSAC constituency is available to any American-owned, not-for-profit organization, or any enterprise incorporated in the U.S. (parent company, not subsidiaries or divisions) doing business overseas.
The first step in becoming an OSAC constituent is to create a user account. The director of global security in your organization, who is based in the United States, or whoever represents the CEO on security matters, should complete this process. This account will serve as the primary point of contact for your organization. Once approved, this account will have the ability to manage your organization's settings, as well as create new user accounts for other members of your organization.
OSAC will verify constituent eligibility and organizations will be requested to provide OSAC with documentation that your organization is incorporated in the U.S.

If you would like to register your organization as a new OSAC constituent, please select this option.
If your organization is already an OSAC constituent and you would like to obtain your own username and password within your organization’s account, please select this option.  An email will be sent to your organization’s OSAC point of contact with your request.
If you are employed within the U.S. Government or you serve in the U.S. Military, please select this option.
If you currently belong to a Country Council and your organization does not qualify for OSAC constituency, please select this option.
If you would like to sign up to receive OSAC’s daily morning newsletter and afternoon digest, please select this option.  You will be able to select to receive news on a given region(s), or you can choose to receive the global product.  Please note that becoming a newsletter subscriber does NOT give you access to OSAC’s password-protected products; these are available to constituents only.  In addition, by registering your organization to become a constituent or by applying as a user to an existing organization, you will automatically receive the newsletter and digest.  This option is commonly selected by organizations that do not qualify for OSAC constituency.

The Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) is a Federal Advisory Committee with a U.S. Government Charter to promote security cooperation between American business and private sector interests worldwide and the U.S. Department of State.  The office is led by an Executive Council of private sector organizations and the Bureau of Diplomatic Security, under the U.S. Department of State.  Information is shared via email, telephone, and in-office consultations on a variety of security concerns, including crime, terrorism, contingency planning, and information security.


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Your username is your email address

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