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Industry Circular

Number: 62-6
Date: March 8, 1962

Office of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division


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Proprietors of distilled spirits plants, and others concerned:

Purpose. This circular is to inform you that Form 332, Statement by Kinds, Seasons, and Years of Production of Spirits in Bonded Warehouses, has been revised as of April 1962.

Principal changes in the form.

(a) An additional block in column (d) has been specifically provided for reporting gin of 190 degrees or more of proof. The separate reporting of such gin is required under Revenue Procedure 61-25 (I.R.B. 1961-39, 18).

(b) Blocks for reporting other spirits of 190 degrees or more of proof have been rearranged.

(c) Additional blocks in columns (d) and (f) have been provided for the grand totals of gin and spirits.

(d) Instructions have been revised to include specific details for the reporting of high proof spirits.

Distribution and use of form. Your Assistant Regional Commissioner will furnish you with an initial supply of the revised forms. Please use the April 1962 revision in preparing your report for June 30, 1962, and destroy all of the unused Forms 332 bearing earlier revision dates.

Inquiries. Inquiries concerning this circular should refer to its number and be addressed to your Assistant Regional Commissioner (Alcohol and Tobacco Tax).

Dwight Avis
Dwight E. Avis
Director, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division

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