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Science Accelerator
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R&D Results

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At OSTI you can find research and development (R&D) results and science information from the Manhattan Project to the present. OSTI ensures global access to DOE research results and brings the world's research to DOE.


Find DOE R&D Results

  • DOE accomplishments – Find information about the outcomes of past DOE R&D.
  • DOE full-text technical documents – Find DOE R&D full-text documents and bibliographic citations. 
  • DOE green energy documents – Find DOE green energy-related documents and patents information.
  • DOE multimedia – Find DOE R&D Videos
  • DOE patents – Find patents resulting from DOE-sponsored research and development.
  • DOE S&T software – Find federally funded scientific and technical software developed by the national laboratories, other facilities and DOE contractors.
  • DOE scientific research data – Find scientific research data - such as computer simulations, numeric data files, figures and plots, interactive maps, multimedia, and scientific images - generated in the course of DOE-sponsored research in various science disciplines.
  • Adopt-A-Doc? – Find the on-demand service providing individuals the option to sponsor the digitization of full-text DOE technical reports. 

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Sign Up for Science Alerts

Science Alerts are provided for several OSTI databases and portals to help you stay informed of the most recent information available by receiving periodic e-mail notification of new information in your specific area(s) of interest. Simply register for the service on one or all of the OSTI products described below and then sign up for topic(s) which will be matched automatically against each update.

  • Information Bridge – Searchable access to full-text documents and bibliographic citations of U.S. Department of Energy research report literature primarily from 1991 forward.
  • Energy Citations Database – Searchable access to over 2.4 million science research citations from 1943 through the present.
  • Science Accelerator – Searchable gateway to key DOE/OSTI resources that contain research and development results, project descriptions, accomplishments, and more.
  • E-print Network – Searchable gateway to over 5.5 million e-prints and browse over 35,000 websites and databases worldwide.
  • – Searchable gateway to over 200 million pages of science information and research results from 14 U.S. goverment agencies.


Blueprint for Finding Research Results DOE funded research
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