Pulsed Field Facility

World-class Power

The facility has a $30 million pulsed power infrastructure that includes this 1.43 gigawatt motor generator.

1.43 gigawatt motor generator

100 Tesla Multi-shot Magnet

The only magnet in the world that delivers scientific results in non-destructive fields upwards of 100 tesla.

100 Tesla Multi-shot Magnet

Measurement Techniques

Our magnets can be used with more than a dozen different techniques.

YBCO crystal

Access to Expertise

Staff member Dwight Rickel (center) confers with users Joe Brosseau (left) and Jerry Malone of Transportation Technology Center.

Staffer Dwight Rickel (center) with users.

An Active User Community

Frequent user Janice Musfeldt of the University of Tennessee with her research team.

Janice Musfeldt with her research team.

Users at Work

Users Whitney Schoenthal and Alex Leary of Carnegie Mellon University monitor data.

Users Whitney Schoenthal and Alex Leary

The National High Magnetic Field Laboratory's Pulsed Field Facility at Los Alamos National Laboratory operates an international user program for research in high magnetic fields. Our pulsed magnets and experimental capabilities are unique in the world and our ability to produce cutting edge science is a major attraction for LANL visitors.

After two decades of innovation, the Pulsed Field Facility has developed and maintained a set of numerous powerful pulsed magnets ranging from 50T to 100T, and up to the 300T Single Turn Magnet, of different pulse widths to support a wide variety of users.

map of Los Alamos, NM


"I think the Magnet Lab is a great place to do research, not only because of its unique resources, but also because you can breathe science in the air! Everything is arranged so that you keep sharing your perspectives and projects with the staff scientists, the postdocs, the students and the visiting users. The lab environment encourages the interaction between all the members, which I think is crucial for scientific productivity."

--Paula Giraldo-Gallo, Stanford University


Our magnets are open to all scientists — for free — via a competitive process and we accept proposals throughout the year.

  1. Prepare your documentation
    A proposal and prior results report are required.
  2. Create a user profile
    Returning users simply need to log in.
  3. Submit a request online
    Upload files and provide details about the proposed experiment.
  4. Report your results
    By year’s end, submit a 1-page report and information on publications resulting from your experiment.

Request Magnet Time

Read the User Proposal Policy for complete guidelines contact Facility Director Chuck Mielke or User Program Director Jon Betts with questions.

Latest Science Highlight

See more Pulsed Field Facility Science Highlights

Featured Publications

Magnetic Torque Anomaly in the Quantum Limit of Weyl Semimetals

J.W. Moll, et al., Nature Communications, 7, 12492 (2016) See Science Highlight or Read online 

Upper Critical Field and Kondo Effects in Fe(Te0.9Se0.1) Thin Films by Pulsed Field Measurements

M. Salamon, et al., Sci. Rep, 6, 21469 (2016) See Science Highlight or Read online 

Exciton diamagnetic shifts and valley Zeeman effects in monolayer WS2 and MoS2 to 65 Tesla

A. V. Stier, et al., Nature Communications., arXiv:1510.07022 (2016) See Science Highlight or Read online 

Normal-state nodal electronic structure in underdoped high-Tc copper oxides

S.E. Sebastian, et al., Nature, 511, 61–64 (2014) See Science Highlight or Read online 

See more Pulsed Field Facility publications

For more information contact Pulsed Field Facility Director Chuck Mielke or User Program Director Jon Betts.

Last modified on 27 October 2016