Congressman Randy Forbes | Washington Update
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Week of January 17-25, 2012 Twitter Facebook YouTube Digg RSS

Opposing Insider Trading in Congress


Congressman Forbes cosponsored the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act, H.R.1148, to prohibit Members of Congress and federal employees from profiting from nonpublic information they obtain as a result of their official positions.  It also requires Members and employees of Congress to report the purchase, sale, or exchange of any stock, bond, or commodity future transaction in excess of $1,000 within 90 days. 

Assessing the Impact of Health Care Regulations on Jobs


Congressman Forbes met with members of the National Association of Health Underwriters to discuss how regulations imposed as a result of the health care law are affecting jobs.  Congressman Forbes supports efforts to relieve these burdens, such as repealing employer mandated health coverage.

Welcoming Home Soldiers Returning from Iraq


Congressman Forbes celebrated the return home to Ft. Lee of the last support battalion to leave Iraq on January 8, 2012.  The 275th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion served a 10-month mission and was responsible for helping to bring American troops home.  Specifically, they directed logistics for the remaining military personnel and supplies until the complete withdrawal of troops from Iraq on December 31, 2011. Photos of the event are available here.


Expressed 'no confidence' in the Attorney General for failure of leadership.  Congressman Forbes cosponsored a resolution, H. Res. 490, calling for a vote of no confidence in Attorney General Eric Holder.  The reasons for this resolution include: (1) misleading Congressional investigators in February 2011 (now admitted to by Mr. Holder), (2) withholding key evidence from Congressional investigators and being obdurate, (3) failing to cooperate with a sovereign nation impacted by DOJ actions through Mexican authorities and allowing thousands of weapons to be transferred to Mexico for use by drug cartels and criminals, and, (4) according to internal emails,  using this government operation as a pretext to create an incident that would lead to more restrictive gun laws and an attack on the Second Amendment.  The passage of this Resolution of No Confidence sends a message to the American public and the Administration that there is wide-spread concern over the leadership of the Department of Justice.  The resolution itself has no legal import and any decision to terminate Mr. Holder lies with President Obama, and of course Mr. Holder always maintains the ability to voluntarily resign. 

Demanded accountability for the President's unconstitutional recess appointments.
  Congressman Forbes cosponsored a resolution, H.Res.509, and signed a letter opposing the President’s use of his recess appointment power to name the Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, as well as three members of the National Labor Relations Board, while the Senate was in a pro forma session and the House had not consented to a Senate recess of more than three days. Congressman Forbes is especially concerned about the disregard of constitutional checks and balances, especially at a time when the NLRB has come under scrutiny for their overtly political actions and exertion of power over American businesses, such as their complaint against Boeing last year.


Recognized the importance of balancing the federal budget.  Congressman Forbes voted to support H.Res.516, a resolution expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the passage of a federal budget for Fiscal Year 2013 is of national importance. 
This resolution passed the House by a vote of 410-1.  

Opposed increasing the debt ceiling
.  Congressman Forbes supported H.J.Res.98, a joint resolution of disapproval of the President’s action to increase the debt limit by $1.2 trillion.  As a part of last year's debt ceiling agreement, which Congressman Forbes opposed, legislative language was included to allow the debt ceiling to be raised automatically, 15 days after the President officially notified Congress, unless Congress voted to deny the borrowing increase. 
This resolution passed the House by a vote of 239-176, but failed in the Senate.

Armed Services

Questioned the Administration on its lack of a clear National Security Strategy. Congressman Forbes sent letters to Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and National Security Adviser Tom Donilon questioning the Administration on its failure to submit a classified National Security Strategy to Congress in 2009 and 2011 as required by law.  Specifically, Congressman Forbes called on the Administration to comply with the law and submit the required strategy reports to Congress so that Members may better understand the degree of national security risk being undertaken by the United States in light of a budget-driven defense strategy.

Fought the Administration's defense budget strategy.  
Congressman Forbes released a statement following Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta's press conference announcing the Department of Defense's plan to slash nearly $500 billion from planned defense spending. In it, Congressman Forbes stated the defense strategy "embraced weakness by a thousand cuts" and went on to say the plan would not benefit Virginians, our allies, or our men and women in uniform.

Joined the Congressional Army Aviation Caucus.
Congressman Forbes joined the Congressional Army Aviation Caucus. This newly established Caucus has 25 Members and seeks to raise awareness of Army aviation issues within Congress and the public and private sectors. It also provides a forum for Members, staff, the Army, and industry to discuss Army aviation and promote adequate budgets and funding of Army aviation assets to meet war-fighter requirements. 

Promoted Virginia jobs by encouraging use of the Port of Virginia for screening returning equipment from Afghanistan.
Congressman Forbes co-signed a letter to General James Mattis, Commander, U.S. Central Command, and Major General Kevin Leonard, Commanding Officer, Surface Deployment and Distribution Command, encouraging the use of the Port of Virginia as a screening area for cargo returning from Afghanistan. This process, mandated by the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection, is currently being performed in Karachi, Pakistan. The Port of Virginia and local industry partners offer a viable alternative to doing this work in Pakistan, and could help to lower costs, allow for an efficient drawdown, and provide job opportunities.  A copy of the letter is available here.

Cosponsored a resolution to honor Iraq War veterans.
Congressman Forbes cosponsored a resolution, H. Res. 528, that publicly honors the service and sacrifice of the 1.5 million service members and their families who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Met with defense experts to discuss national security concerns.
Congressman Forbes met with a number of defense and security experts to listen to their input and recommendations on national security policy. Specifically, Congressman Forbes met with Tom Donnelly, Gary Schmitt, and Mackenzie Eaglen from the American Enterprise Institute to talk about the Administration's new defense budget. He also met with Andrew Erickson from the Naval War College to discuss the modernization of China's People's Liberation Army Navy. Finally, he met with Randy Schriver from the Project 2049 Institute to discuss the aftermath of the elections in Taiwan and the future of cross-strait relations.


Opposed costly new federal regulations on our nation’s farmers.  Congressman Forbes joined over 80 Members of the House of Representatives in sending a letter to Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis in opposition to the Department of Labor’s proposal to ban our nation’s young people under the age of 16 from assisting in a range of common agricultural practices, including the vaccination of livestock or the use of any power driven machines to do agriculture work, which include tractors, pressure hoses, and battery operated tools.  Whether our young people are working on family farms or taking summer jobs, Congressman Forbes does not believe that it is the role of the federal government to micromanage our nation’s youth as they learn the importance of a day’s work and are introduced to our nation’s rich agricultural heritage.  Congressman Forbes informed the Department of Labor that he opposes this overly burdensome new regulation that punishes an industry that has made significant gains in the safety of its younger workers over the last several decades.  A copy of the letter is available here.


Supported a swift resolution for the payroll tax cut extension.  Congressman Forbes supported a motion to instruct conferees on H.R.3630, the Temporary Payroll Tax Cut Continuation Act, to file a conference report no later than February 17th.  Conferees from both parties in the House and Senate were appointed to resolve the differences between the House and Senate versions of the payroll tax cut bill for the remainder of the year.  This legislation extended the payroll tax, unemployment insurance, and the Medicare doc fix for a period of two months.  
This motion passed the House by a vote of 397-16.


Celebrated the accomplishments of Catholic education.  Congressman Forbes cosponsored a resolution, H. Res. 61, in honor of Catholic Schools week.  Catholic schools educate a diverse group of students with nearly 30 percent of students coming from minority groups; more than 15 percent are non-Catholics.  These schools also offer students individual attention in the classroom not often available in other schools, especially in the less affluent urban school districts that many Catholic schools serve.  This resolution recognizes and supports the goals of National Catholic Schools Week (January 29 – February 5, 2012) and this year’s theme: “Catholic Schools: Faith. Academics. Service." Co-sponsored by the National Catholic Educational Association and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, this event highlights the contributions Catholic school teachers, administrators, and parents make to three priorities of Catholic education: faith, rigorous academics, and a commitment to community service.

Second Amendment

Protected U.S. sovereignty and Second Amendment rights from U.N. interference.  Congressman Forbes is cosponsoring legislation to cut off all funding to the United Nations if the U.S. agrees to any treaty that would “restrict, attempt to restrict, or otherwise adversely infringe on the rights of individuals in the United States to possess a firearm or ammunition, including by imposing burdens on international commerce, or abridge any of the other constitutionally protected rights of citizens of the United States.” The Second Amendment Protection Act, H.R. 3594, comes in direct response to the United Nations' plans to move forward with the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). The ATT is currently being drafted by the UN to regulate the trading of conventional firearms like those used by collectors and sportsmen.  The goal of the treaty is to put forth internationally recognized rules governing the trade of guns and ammunition, which, it is argued, contribute to war, crime, and terrorism. Notably, the United States is the world's largest exporter with a $55 billion-a-year trade in conventional firearms. 

Foreign Affairs

Affirmed Israel’s right to self-defense.  Congressman Forbes cosponsored H. Res. 271, expressing support for the State of Israel’s right to defend its sovereignty and to use all means necessary to confront and eliminate nuclear threats posed by the Islamic Republic of Iran.  In response to the International Atomic Energy Agency’s November report that Iran was actively pursuing a nuclear weapon, Congressman Forbes, along with 63 other Members of the House of Representatives, have cosponsored this resolution to ensure our nation’s closest ally in the Middle East knows that it has the support of the United States as it takes action to protect Israeli sovereignty and the Israeli people. 

Asked the GAO to examine gaps in government knowledge of China.
  Congressman Forbes joined Congressman Frank Wolf and Congressman Dana Rohrabacher in sending a letter to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) requesting that two studies be undertaken to address deficiencies in the federal government’s awareness regarding the People’s Republic of China.  The first study requested is an analysis of the degree to which China has acted upon its promises made during the Strategic and Economic Dialogue it has conducted with the U.S.  Secondly, Congressman Forbes’ letter requested that the GAO conduct a study of the Department of Defense’s early warning systems to ensure that the U.S. would have sufficient timely warning prior to any military action taken by China.  Both of these areas were highlighted by the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission as key gaps in U.S. government awareness of U.S.-China relations and GAO studies were recommended in the Commission’s 2011 Annual Report to Congress.  A copy of the request is available here.

Urged the Administration to fully implement sanctions against Iran’s Central Bank.
  Congressman Forbes joined 88 Members of the House of Representatives in sending a bipartisan letter to the Administration urging that new sanctions on the Islamic Republic of Iran that were included in the National Defense Authorization Act for the Fiscal Year 2012 be fully implemented.  Amidst a more belligerent Iran who has threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz and has continued to pursue a nuclear weapon, Congressman Forbes has expressed his hope that bipartisan sanctions aimed at Iran’s financial center will be implemented quickly and in their entirety.  This bipartisan letter was signed by 89 Members.  A copy of the letter is available here.

Homeland Security

Protected cyber networks through public/private cooperation.  Congressman Forbes cosponsored the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act of 2011, H.R. 3523.  This bill ensures that private cyber-security companies that have been certified by the Director of National Intelligence and have received the sufficient security clearances can share cyber threat information with the federal intelligence community.  By allowing for a more efficient and secure system in which the Intelligence Community can interact with private industry, our government will be better equipped to respond to the fast-changing nature of cyber threats.  The bill also places strict limitations on what type of information may be shared between private companies and the federal government, and requires the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board to annually review this program and report back to Congress with its recommendations for addressing any civil liberty concerns that may arise. 

Family Values

Increased opportunity for women to make more informed decisions prior to having an abortion. Congressman Forbes cosponsored the Ultrasound Informed Consent Act, H.R. 3805, which requires that an abortion provider perform an ultrasound on a pregnant woman, display the images so the woman may view them, and provide an explanation of what the ultrasound is depicting prior to performing an abortion.  Nothing in the bill prohibits the woman from turning her eyes from the image, and the bill provides an exception to the requirement when the life of the mother is endangered. This bill will ensure that women are armed with all the facts necessary to make an informed decision regarding their unborn child.

Added historic D-Day prayer to the WWII Memorial.
Congressman Forbes voted for the World War II Memorial Prayer Act, H.R. 2070, which directed the Secretary of the Interior to install President. Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “D-Day Prayer” at the World War II Memorial in Washington, DC.  President Roosevelt delivered the prayer to the nation on June 6, 1944, the day that American troops stormed the beaches of Normandy, France.  The bill prohibits the use of Federal funds to pay for the inscription, but provides for the Secretary to accept private contributions. 
The bill passed the House by a vote of 386-26.

Defended the inclusion of religious symbols on memorials honoring the U.S. Armed Forces.
Congressman Forbes supported the War Memorial Protection Act, H.R. 290, which authorizes the inclusion of religious symbols in military monuments. The bill was introduced after the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit declared unconstitutional a cross that stands at Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial in San Diego, California. It would ensure that America’s war memorials are not stripped of our nation’s religious heritage.
The bill passed the House by a voice vote.

About Washington Update

Washington Update serves as a resource to the constituents of the Fourth Congressional District of Virginia on the work of Congressman Forbes. It is published weekly while Congress is in session. Hyperlinks to bill information are provided if the information disseminated by the House of Representatives is available at the time of distribution.

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