United States Holocaust Memorial Museum The Power of Truth: 20 Years
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Meet our Survivor Volunteers

Goldie Gendelman

Goldie was born to an Orthodox Jewish family in Lachowicze, Poland. Her family ran a successful two-room shoe factory from the home. In September 1937, she and her family sailed to Cuba, where they remained safe during the war. Goldie received her visa for the U.S. in November 1947. On January 28, 1948, she and her family traveled to Miami, Florida, hoping for a better life. Her father could not get a job in Miami, so he and other family members left for New York. Goldie stayed with her uncle in Florida and finished middle school. Goldie then joined her family in New York and attended high school in Brooklyn. She worked for a trucking company while attending night school; she wanted to be an accountant.

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Guidelines for Arranging a Survivor Presentation

The Museum’s Division of Survivor Affairs is proud to offer schools, civic groups, military bases, and other institutions nationwide the opportunity to hear a Holocaust survivor share his or her experiences. Every year, our survivor speakers reach hundreds of different audiences, providing thousands of people across the country and abroad with the moving and memorable experience of listening to them recount their stories of suffering, loss, and survival. We have created this guide with both the hosting organization and the survivor community in mind and hope that our suggestions will help your organization consider the survivors’ comfort and well-being as you plan for your program.

Finding and Booking a Holocaust Survivor Speaker

Through the Division of Survivor Affairs of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Please e-mail speakersbureau@ushmm.org to request the Museum to arrange for a survivor to speak at venues locally, across the country, and abroad. All associated costs are the responsibility of the requesting organization. The Museum will make every effort to accommodate the requests we receive.

The Museum does not charge a speaker’s fee, but does gratefully accept donations to support the Museum’s educational mission.

When requesting a survivor to speak you will need to provide the following information:

Through an organization in your community
Please consult the Association of Holocaust Organizations at www.ahoinfo.org to find out if there is a local organization that helps arrange survivor speakers. You will need to consult directly with that organization as to any associated costs.

If you are working with the Museum, we will communicate directly with the survivor and provide all relevant information. If you are working with another organization or are in direct communication with a survivor, please send a confirmation letter in advance of your program, reiterating clearly the information listed above and encouraging the survivor to contact your program coordinator with any questions.

Choosing a Program Format

Please discuss your program format with the survivor in advance to ensure his or her comfort.

Stand-alone Lecture
This is the most common format, with the survivor speaking about his or her Holocaust experience for 40–45 minutes followed by a 15–20 minute question-and-answer period with the audience.

An interviewer asks a survivor questions. There are experienced interviewers in most communities who could serve as moderators, including local radio and television personalities as well as oral history experts from museums and universities.

Panel Discussion or Program Series
Provide an opportunity for multiple voices on the history—for example, from a survivor, a liberator, or a historian. Include an opportunity for informal discussion between the survivor and other speakers and the audience during your program. Please note that a survivor often requires at least 30 minutes to tell his or her experiences, so take this into consideration when planning the number of participants.

Book Reading and Signing
You may also want to consider featuring a book reading and signing in your program if the survivor has published his or her memoirs.

Providing Historical Context

Introduce the history of the Holocaust to program attendees in advance to provide context for the survivor’s personal narrative. Resources to help you do this can be found on the Museum’s Web site, www.ushmm.org. Please remember that every survivor’s experience is unique and you may wish to take each person’s history into consideration when you are providing a broader context.

Showing Sensitivity in Dealing with a Difficult Topic

Please remember that the survivor is sharing private and often traumatic memories in a public setting; many find they are able to share their history only once in a day. Your sensitivity to this is critical to planning a successful program.


Planning for the Survivor’s Visit

Preparing the Venue

Managing the Audience

Introducing the Survivor

Conducting a Question-and-Answer Session

Following up on the Program

Download Guidelines for Arranging a Survivor Presentation (PDF)