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Policy, Management and Budget (PMB) Offices


IRWIN is a National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) affiliated Information Technology (IT) system and an Interior Fire Executive Council (IFEC) endorsed project to develop an "end–to–end" fire reporting capability that provides an integrated and coordinated process for collecting and reporting incident/event data. By interconnecting systems, new and updated information would automatically be available to the different interagency systems and to a dashboard to provide queries and reports.  Such a capability will support a number of needs and provide benefits throughout the wildland fire community, including:

  • Allow consistent reporting of data
  • Reduce the duplicate entry of data
  • Identify authoritative sources of data
  • Speed access to data located in diverse source systems
  • Increase data accuracy, and
  • Increase the availability of data

Fire reporting is a key function of wildland fire management and can impact many other processes and systems of the wildland fire enterprise, including:

  • Operations
  • Logistics
  • Information
  • Planning
  • Research

The IRWIN project is designed to align with national IT strategies, including:        

  • NWCG Strategic Plan Version 14, Goal 5 – Program Implementation and Delivery, September 2010
  • USDA Technology Architecture Development - Architecture Guidebook, Version #1, 2010
  • 25 Point Implementation Plan to Reform Federal Information Technology Management, 2010
  • DOI FY 2011-2016 Strategic Plan Mission Area 1, Goal 4 by focusing on improved access to, timeliness, and accuracy of decision data

For more detailed information regarding IRWIN please follow the links below:

Project Background

Goals and Objectives


Information Technology Solution

Project Scope

Candidate Wildland Fire Information Systems for Interconnectivity

IRWIN LogoIRWIN Point of Contact:
Roshelle Pederson, IRWIN Business Lead
Chris Markle, Program Manager