USA Trade® Online
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USA Trade Online also allows you to track imports and exports traveling through more than 400 ports in the United States and its territories using the Port Selection screen. In the United States, ports include trade through airports, pipelines, roads, railroads, mail, as well as the more traditional sea-based ports. In the United States, physical ports are grouped into districts based on geography. The name of the district is the name of the primary port in that district. So the district of Baltimore, Maryland includes five ports: the cities of Annapolis, Baltimore, Cambridge, and Crisfield, and the Baltimore-Washington International Airport.

Figure A: Port Selection Screen with Baltimore, MD District Expanded
Port Selection Screen with Baltimore, MD District Expanded

Two special ports -- Low-value and Vessels under their own power, such as exported or imported cruise ships -- are also defined for statistical purposes. For exports, there is also a Mail shipments port. While districts can include ports in one or more states, except for the special ports, ports are always state-specific.

Port-level trade includes seven measures:

Unlike non-port data, port-level data is measured in terms of shipping weights (in kilograms), not numbers of items. These shipping weights are only provided for air, vessel, and containerized vessel shipments -- shipping weights are not provided for trade by truck, pipeline, mail, etc. (Air and vessel account for about 60 percent of U.S. exports and 70 percent of U.S. imports.)

Navigating the Port Selections
You can navigate through the Ports by clicking on the Expand all icon in front of a District to expand to view the ports grouped together. You may also select Ports by using the Search box at the top and hitting Enter or pressing the Search function icon button. Note that the district and its main port have the same name even though they cover differ areas. To help you distinguish them, the district is identified with word "(District)" and the port is identified with the word "(Port)".

Other options include:

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