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Technical Service Center

Engineering Geology Group (86-68320)

Manager, Lloyd Crutchfield, <LCrutchfield@usbr.gov>, 303-445-3074
Building 67, 10th floor, 86-68320
Denver Federal Center, Denver, Colorado 80225-0007

We conduct geologic site characterization and evaluate geological and geotechnical condition, including:

Our available services include a comprehensive suite of geophysical testing and analysis methods, geological and geotechnical field and office methods, CAD and CADD three-dimensional modeling and analyses of geologic and geotechnical conditions, and GIS database development pertaining to geological properties.  We also characterize sites for environmental restoration including the Yucca Mountain Project, a potential site for disposal of high-level nuclear waste.  We perform work both domestically and overseas.

Our services are integrated with seismotectonics, geotechnical testing, and geotechnical engineering studies also performed by the Technical Service Center.