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U.S. Department of the Interior
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External Learners

In This Section:

- Have An Account? Login Here -
Bureau Contact List
Frequently Asked Questions
Mandatory Training for DOI Employees
Skillsoft Open Season
Training Aids & How To's
Workstation Requirements

Not a DOI Employee? We offer many training opportunities to private, state, not-for-profit and other federal government agencies.  Search our Public Catalog to view these opportunities.

NOTE: DOI Employees should NOT "request a new account." Your account will be created by weekly upload from our payroll system.

External, Non-DOI Customers

  • You must first have an account in our system to register for training. 

  • If, after viewing the Public Catalog, you are interested in a course, click the "Request a New Account" link to the right.

  • The "Reason For Your Request" MUST include the COURSE NAME and the BUREAU that is sponsoring the course you wish to attend.

  • Contractors and volunteers who work for DOI, should use this process to request an account to take required training.  We will review your information to be sure a previous account does not exist in our system.  Be sure to indicate if you have ever been affiliated with any bureau or office in DOI.  It's important to tell us if you ever have been a contractor, volunteer or an employee of DOI.

  • All account approvals are performed manually. We review your request to determine which Bureau is sponsoring the training you are requesting and if you already have an account in our system.  You should receive a reply regarding your account request within 3 working days.