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Frequently Asked Questions

In This Section:

- Have An Account? Login Here -
Bureau Contact List
External Learners
Mandatory Training for DOI Employees
Skillsoft Open Season
Training Aids & How To's
Workstation Requirements

The DOI Learn Frequently Asked Questions page is currently managed by USGS.

Use this link to go to their site for a full listing of Frequently Asked Questions!

How do I learn to use DOI Learn?


  • In DOI Learn: Go to the Catalog, Click the “Online Resources” tab, search on the words "How To", this will return a series of task related documents that you can print to create Desk References. 
  • In DOI Learn: Click “Help” on the top bar next to the “Role” once you're in DOI Learn  to get to the fully documented User guide -  The Help is a great resource!.
  • Attend one of the scheduled webinars - register in DOI Learn with a keyword search of 'Upgrade Intro.'  Webinars for Employees and Supervisors are held the fourth Thursday of each month.
  • Visit the DOI LEARN Training Aids and How To's link. (This will send you to USGS Human Capital site)
  • Visit the FAQ page. (This will send you to USGS Human Capital site)
  • View the tutorials in DOI Learn.