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Biblioteca Benjamín Franklin
Sitios Selectos - Publicaciones Oficiales

El idioma en el que aparecen los vínculos indica si el contenido del sitio está en español o en inglés. The language of the links reflects whether the content of the site is in English or in Spanish.

Reportes de Gobierno

Agricultural Statistics
Annual Energy Outlook
Budget of the U.S. Government
Code of Federal Regulations
The Condition of Education
Congressional Record
Consumer Price Index Summary
County and City Data Book: 2000
Country Commercial Guides, 1996-2001
Country Commercial Guide 2008: Mexico
Country Reports on Human Rights Practices
Country Reports on Terrorism
The Digest of Education Statistics
Economic Indicators
Economic Report of the President
FBI Annual Uniform Crime Reports
Federal Register
Fighting Global Corruption: Business Risk Management
  Foreign Aid in the National Interest
Foreign Relations of the United States
Handbook of Latin American Studies-HLAS: English / Spanish
Immigration Statistics Yearbook
International Narcotics Control Strategy Reports [see also Narcotics Certifications]
International Religious Freedom Report
Minerals Yearbook
Narcotics Certifications
National Drug Control Strategy
National Money Laundering Strategy
National Security Strategy
National Strategy for Combating Terrorism
National Strategy for Homeland Security
National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers 2007
Occupational Outlook Handbook
Patterns of Global Terrorism
  see also
  Country Reports on Terrorism
  Road Map for National Security: Imperative for Change
Special 301 Report 2004. USTR Report on Intellectual Property Protection
Statistical Abstract of the United States
Trade Policy Agenda 2005, and 2004 Annual Report of the President of the U.S. on the Trade Agreements Program
Trafficking in Persons Report
Treaties in Force
Treaties in Force México-United States
U.S. Census 2000
U.S. Code
- through GPO
- through House of Representatives
- through Cornell
U.S. Foreign Trade Highlights
U.S. Government Manual
World Factbook

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La inclusión de otras direcciones de Internet no debe interpretarse como una aprobación de las opiniones contenidas en las mismas.

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Embajada de los Estados Unidos en México
Servicio Cultural e Informativo
Biblioteca Benjamín Franklin
Liverpool 31, Col. Juárez
C.P. 06600, México, D.F.
Tels.: 55-92-34-83

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El horario de atención al público es de lunes a viernes de 9:00 a 19:00 hrs.

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