How to Apply for/Schedule Training Delivery

Requests for residential training may be made for individual participants and/or groups of participants. Mobile training deliveries are only to be requested once a need has been identified and it is certain the hosting jurisdiction can meet the minimum attendance requirements for each requested instance of the course.

Individuals, jurisdictions, or agencies wishing to attend residential training or schedule delivery of a mobile class should not contact a training provider, state, or agency directly unless they have prior permission from their State Administrative Agency (SAA) State/Territory Training Point of Contact (TPOC).

Here are generic steps to apply for mobile or residential training or request delivery of a mobile course for your jurisdiction or agency. The process may vary slightly in your state, however, all mobile and residential training must be authorized through your State Administrative Agency.

  1. Find a course - search the catalog to find the course you need to take.
  2. Get approval through your internal chain of command.
  3. Find your SAA TPOC - all courses, other than online courses, must be authorized through your SAA TPOC.
  4. Provide the SAA TPOC with the following information.

    For NTED courses:

    • Course ID
    • Course Title
    • Training Provider

    For State-sponsored courses:

    • Course ID
    • Course Title
    • Sponsoring State

    For Federal-sponsored courses:

    • Course ID
    • Course Title
    • Sponsoring Agency
    • Point of Contact Information

At this point, the process depends upon whether the course is an NTED course or a State or Federal sponsored course.

For NTED Courses:

An interested jurisdiction/agency contacts their respective SAA TPOC to request an NTED instructor-led course. It is then at the SAA TPOC's discretion to approve or not approve the training request. If the SAA TPOC agrees to the training request, he/she contacts the training partner directly with information about the specific course to schedule, the number of participants interested in attending the course, and a listing of preferred dates.

Once the SAA TPOC and the training partner agree on course availability and dates, the SAA TPOC informs the requesting jurisdiction/agency and further logistical coordination ensues (i.e. exact location, dates, and times of the training). Additional information, logistics, and/or paperwork may be required and will be coordinated by the training partner with the SAA TPOC or a jurisdiction/agency contact (designated by the SAA TPOC).

This process is followed for all instructor-led training, whether it is in residence or mobile.

The Centralized Scheduling and Information Desk (CSID) can provide general information regarding NTED courses and training provider points of contact for scheduling and informational purposes. Please contact the CSID at or by telephone at 1-800-368-6498.

For State Sponsored Courses:

An interested jurisdiction/agency contacts their respective SAA TPOC to request an State sponsored course. It is then at the SAA TPOC's discretion to approve or not approve the training request. If the SAA TPOC agrees to the training request, he/she contacts the SAA TPOC for the sponsoring state (listed in the State Sponsored Course Catalog) for the specific course to coordinate the exact location, dates, and times of the training.

For Federal Sponsored Courses:

An interested jurisdiction/agency contacts their respective SAA TPOC to request an Federal sponsored course. It is then at the SAA TPOC's discretion to approve or not approve the training request. If the SAA TPOC agrees to the training request, he/she contacts Federal Agency point of contact (listed in the Federal Sponsored Course Catalog) for the specific course to coordinate the exact location, dates, and times of training.

SAA Contact Information

SAA TPOCs must be aware of any training as it is scheduled in their respective state because they cannot reimburse participants/jurisdictions for training attendance expenses, overtime, and/or backfill, if they are made aware of the training only after it has been delivered.

Find your State Administrative Agency (SAA) Contacts.

To contact NTED directly, please email

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