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  e-Brief August 2012  
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  Curriculum Addressing Disabilities Now Available in English and Spanish

Crime victims with disabilities may face challenges other victims don't, such as the ability to access services or communicate with advocates. Supporting Crime Victims With Disabilities focuses on recognizing and addressing these challenges so that all victims with disabilities receive the necessary support and assistance. This new OVC instructor-led training is available in English and Spanish.

  Expanding Legal Assistance for Crime Victims

OVC has launched a new initiative to create an integrated, independent, national network of pro bono legal assistance providers for victims of crime. The initiative will:
  • Develop victim-centered training to increase the capacity of attorneys to provide culturally competent civil, administrative, and criminal legal assistance to all crime victims.
  • Enhance relationships between organizations with expertise in specialized areas (e.g., victims of human trafficking; immigration law related to immigrant battered women; and victims of identity theft and financial fraud) to serve as project partners or subject matter experts.
  • Develop a national cadre of pro bono legal specialists who can respond to assignments from pro bono programs, legal clinics, and other legal resources to help meet victims' legal needs and/or who can provide specialized training and technical assistance.
Find more information about Legal Assistance Training and Technical Assistance for Crime Victims >>
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