NAVEUR Band prepares for debut at Edinburgh tattoo

Multinational musicians and performers stand in formation as the "Lone Bagpiper" plays a memorial tribute for U.K. troops who have died serving the nation at home and abroad. This year's memorial also commemorated the war to liberate the Falkland islands. This military tattoo brings together musicians, dancers and bagpipers from around the world to perform in Europe’s most prestigious military tattoo and this year marks the first time since 1950 that a Navy band has performed in the show. View at highest resolution (2240 by 511 pixels)

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Multinational musicians and performers stand in formation as the "Lone Bagpiper" plays a memorial tribute for U.K. troops who have died serving the nation at home and abroad. This year's memorial also commemorated the war to liberate the Falkland islands. This military tattoo brings together musicians, dancers and bagpipers from around the world to perform in Europe’s most prestigious military tattoo and this year marks the first time since 1950 that a Navy band has performed in the show.

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